Introduction Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs): widely spread networking solutions, expected to grow more in the future Security of transmission mediums, Air vs Wire: 0-1 Absolute security not feasible, nodes become corrupted eventually But users demand security anywhere, anytime Who do you trust?
Overview Motivation Proposed solution Design Architecture (What to do) Protocol (How to do it) Evaluation Q&A (mine) Q&A, round 2 (your turn)
Motivation We need security services to be: Intrusion-tolerant Available anywhere, anytime Scalable We have security services that are: Centralized: fails on all three accounts Hierarchical: succeeds on scalability, concerns about the other two
Proposed solution Two branch solution: Threshold secret sharing Secret share updates Intrusion-tolerant: works with < K-1 adversarial nodes in the neighborhood Availability: experiments show high availability, even with high mobility Scalable: all nodes provide security services
Design Challenges Users of MANETs demand security anywhere, anytime. Volatile nature of MANETs: mobility of agents, frequent joins/leaves, node failures, channel errors. Attractive to attackers (air as transmission medium).
Intrusion model Case #1: The intruder cannot get the secret key of an entity in time less than the secret key update. All other information freely accessible. Case #2: The intruder can get the secret key… …but cannot forge the entity ID (intrusion detection mechanisms exist). We discuss only case #1!
Architecture - Preliminaries System key pair: RSA(PK,SK) Each entity maintains: Unique ID u i Key pair RSA(pk i,sk i ) Certificate cert i ={u i,pk i,T sign,T expire } Secret share (of SK) Pu i Certificate revocation list CRL
Architecture - Services Certification service requests service responses with SK i An entity requests certification services from its neighbors. Each neighbor computes SK i from Pu i and sends it back. Once the entity has >K SKs, signs its certificate with system key
Architecture - Services Secret share dealing Initially, secret shares are distributed by a trusted central authority. Once K secret shares are out there, new shares can be produced without a central authority. Secret share updates It’s a secret! Explicit certificate revocation If a cert is considered compromised, a counter-cert is flooded over the network.
Protocol – Background Secret polynomial SK={d,n}, polynomial of degree K-1: Secret shares ≥K entities can produce d (Langrage interpolation): But in this way, the secret d can be revealed! (Langrage coefficients)
Protocol – Certification Multi-signature protocol: The entity sends certificate M to be signed. Its neighbors sign it with SK i and send back the partially signed certificate. The entity constructs, which is. Using K-bounded coalition offsetting, acquires which is the signed certificate. Note: the secret d has not been revealed!
Protocol – Secret share dealing Systemwide SK={d,n} Secret d, secret share of entity u i : Self-initialization If already K shares exist in the neighborhood of … Complete shuffling scheme (using nonces)
Protocol – Secret share update Initially: version 1, ID 0 At each update: version++ Self-initialization protocol for new version propagation In case of version conflicts, lowest ID wins
Evaluation Real world evaluation: UNIX RSA, cert vs key size (K=5) Cert vs K (key=1024bits) SPEC 20.5 SPEC 12.1 SPEC 1.37
Evaluation Simulations: NS2
Evaluation Simulations: NS2
Evaluation Simulations: NS2
Q&A, round 1 Why certificates? Standard solution, only anywhere, anytime needs solving Why threshold secret sharing? Fits well with MANETs: “1 out of N”, “N out of N” Why secret share updates? The MANET will be compromised, SK not easy to change
Q&A, round 1 What about DoS? Compromised nodes offer false partial certificates The answer: Verifiable Secret Sharing What about <K neighbors? Retry somewhere, sometime! What about bookkeeping? (Cert Revoc Lists) Implicit revocation helps keep short lists In any case: kb/counter-cert and N<1000 but Pr{compromise}<<1
Q&A, round 2 Hit me!