Prof.A.S.M.Kamal Uddin
DIAGNOSIS Clinical examination Conj.swab AC tap/Vit tap
CNS (coagulase-negative staphylococci) % BHS (ß-haemolytic streptococci), S. pneumoniae, ∂-haemolytic streptococci including S. mitis and S. salivarius % Staphylococcus aureus % Gram-negative bacteria including Ps. aeruginosa (occurs rarely) % (Candida sp., Aspergillus sp., Fusarium sp.) 8 %
29%- 43% intraocular contamination occurs with facultative pathogenic bacteria Sherwood, D. R., Rich, W. J., Jacobs, J. S., Hart, R. J., Fairchild, Y. L.: Bacterial contamination of intraocular and extraocularfluids during extracapsular cataract extraction. Eye 3, 1989, Only % Post operative endophthalmitis Significant % of apparent endoph cases Culture -VE
75%-95% of reported cases Gm +ve Ophthalmology 1999;106: Causative organisms after cataract Sx- Usually genetically Identical to Pt’s own flora Arch Ophthalmol1997; 115: 8% Fungus
Organism2012 No organism140 Gm +ve cocci02 Gm+ve bacilli19 fungus15 Total180
29 – 43% %
(Europe) (USA) – 0.015
Month January17339 February4113 March3118 April1125 May5027 June0013 July4028 August110 September120 October1748 November2268 December
History Patient age (yrs) 0–84 _>85 76/ (0.040%) 32/ (0.085%) 104/ (0.026) 31/ (0.043) Type of surgery Phaco with IOL Other than phaco with IOL † 101/ (0.046%) 6/4107 (0.146%) 128/ (0.028) 7/5221 (0.13) Incision type Sclerocorneal Clear corneal 27/ (0.036%) 80/ (0.053%) Intracameral cefuroxime Given Not given 100/ (0.045%) 8/2315 (0.350%) 123/ (0.027) 11/2804 (0.39) Communication with vitreous Absent Present 93/ (0.042%) 14/5790 (0.242%) 127/ (0.028) 8/7888 (0.1)
Older age of patient Preoperative topical antibiotics Povidone Iodine More time more manipulation Vitreous face breakdown Phaco vs SICS CCI vs scleral incision Intra cameral injection Subconj inj. Of Antibiotics.
OR protocol Patient related OT personal related OT assistant
operating room (OR) layout and disinfection sterile surgical protocol sterilisation of instruments
a)The outer zone b)The clean zone c)The aseptic zone d)The disposal zone
The current United States Public Health Service minimum requirements: Temperature between 18-24°C, Humidity 55-80%, and 25 changes per hour Bacterial count of air should not exceed l/ft 3 (35.5/m 3 ).
Air flow /AC,Fan OT sterilization Oversrowding
Select appropriate pt. Antibiotics prophylaxis Proper cleaning Povidone iodine
Cap masking
Gowning Gloving
Disposables undraping
Fluid soaked trolly
ClusterEndemicIsolated Weakness of the protocol Disposables (liquid ) Sterilization failure
Month January17339 February4113 March3118 April1125 May5027 June0013 July4028 August110 September120 October1748 November2268 December
Task force – to trace out evidence Information – through SMS/website etc Microbial study of each lot of disposables ETO sterilization plant Endophthalmitis study
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