Status and Preparedness of the Kenya health System to Support Critically ill neonates R Nyamai NCAHu 07 Feb 2014
Scope of Presentation Magnitude of problem in Target Population The interventions aimed at better outcomes for neonates The health System-Kenyan Context Policy environment The health system performance for neonatal care
Maternal and Child Mortality in kenya- KDHS 2008 Maternal mortality is 488/100,000 live births Neonatal mortality is 31/1000 live births Infant mortality is 52/1000live births Under five mortality is 74/1000 live births
Trends in under fives and infant mortality from Kenya
Kenya Health System organization Gazeted names KEPH Standards Current Proposed National Referral Hospital Level 6Tier 4 Provincial General Hospitals Level 5Tier 3 District HospitalsLevel 4Tier 3 Sub-district HospitalsLevel 4Tier 3 Health CentresLevel 3Tier 2 DispensariesLevel 2Tier 2 CommunityLevel 1Tier 1
The Health System-Kenya context Human resources Medical products and other technologies Finance Service delivery Health information System Leadership and governance
High Impact Interventions targeted at Neonates Hand washing with soap by caregiver Newborn temperature management Early initiation and EBF Antibiotics for neonatal infections Newborn resuscitation Antenatal steroids ARV prophylaxis
Priority High Impact Interventions for neonates by Level of Care, and Intervention Area Community-L1 (Tier 1) Newborn temperature management Hand washing with soap by caregiver Early initiation and EBF Level 2;3;4 (tier 2 and 3) Hand washing with soap by caregiver Temperature management Antibiotics for neonatal infections Newborn resuscitation ARV prophylaxis
Policy environment
Guidelines Mother child Booklet Integrated Community case Mangement Manual Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) Guide for healthcare workers August, 2012 Edition Ministry of Health Basic Paediatric Protocols for ages up to 5 years July 2013 GOK Clinical Management and Refferal Guidelines 2009 Managing Newborn Problems WHO A guide guied for doctors Nurses and midwives Pocket Book of Hospital Care for children WHO
Case management of the small young infant Integrated Management of Childhood Illnes iCCM IMCI ETAT+
The 6 major steps in IMCI Case Management approach 1.Assessment 2.Classification 3.Identify Treatment 4.Treat the child 5.Counsel the mother 6.Follow Up care
Sick Young Infant Assessment at the community Watch for signs often found in sick young babies and refer
Classification at the outpatient Make decision on severity of illness Colour coded triage system Pink-Admission or pre-refferal treatment Yellow-Specific medical Treatment and adcice Green- not serous, mostly no drugs needed, advice mother
System Readiness for Neonatal Care KDHSs KSPA surveys Rapid assssment Targeted supervision
Safe Delivery KDHS % of Births are conducted in a health Facility 56% of births take place at Home
KSPA survey 2010 Weighing the newborn, Rooming in, vit A to were well practiced across the facilities Newborn respiratory support available in 92%of Hospitals New born respiratory Support available in 7 out of 10 facilities offering delivery services External heat source was available in 67%of Hospitals
Facility Readiness 17 level 4 and five Hospitals rapid survey 64% of the NBU nursing staff had inadequate knowledge to resuscitate a newborn baby Although 88% of the facilities had a resuscitation tray ready for immediate use, only 41% of facilities had an up to date resuscitation tray check list Only 11 hospitals had sterile delivery packs for inpatient mothers
Findings from Hospital reforms supervision %Hospital with at least two rooms for admitting sick neonate and preterm % of PGHs with 10 functional incubators % of hospitals with at least one oxygen source in the newborn unit % of hospital with basic paediatric protocols immediately available at clinical area
Challenges in Scaling up Health Systems Challenges Human resources- numbers, skills, attitude, Health Financing Reliable Data Referrals Commodity security Governance gaps at community level service delivery Access Geographic, Financial, Cultural Low male involvement Multi-sectoral challenges Infrastructure, safe water, status of women
Thank you
Neonatal contribution to underfive mortality in Kenya 26,000 babies die per yr in the first month