Page Southern Africa Trust Access to Social and Security Benefits Forum Park Inn Hotel - Sandton Tuesday, 26 & 27 March 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Page Southern Africa Trust Access to Social and Security Benefits Forum Park Inn Hotel - Sandton Tuesday, 26 & 27 March 2015

Page WHO WE ARE We are independent in terms of: ownership thinking actions 1 26 March 2015

Page OUR VALUES 2 Passionate about people Provide services to make a difference in people’s lives Leadership that matters We lead by example Are responsive to the needs of clients and employees Clarify solutions to problems Accountable delivery Everyone at TEBA is a shareholder in the company, We take ownership of what we do and hold one another accountable 26 March 2015

Page OUR PURPOSE Unlocking human potential by finding solutions to problems in the mining industry….and beyond March 2015

Page OUR CORE STRENGTHS Team, footprint, information 600+ skilled, experienced employees 100 offices throughout southern Africa we know all about gold, mineworkers and their families every mineworker and his family knows: where to find their local TEBA office TEBA’s services are free 4 ‘TEBA makes the mining industry look good’ Comment on our role after Marikana 26 March 2015

Page Number of mineworkers employed through TEBA per country Dec 2014 AreaNumber Botswana1 378 Lesotho Mozambique Swazazilan South Africa Total September 2014

Page Deferred Pay Outs Area TRANSACTIONS Amount Lesotho Mozambique Cash Remittance Standard ,261, Cash27754R62,461, Certification of life completed Certification of life September 2014

Page Tracing and document collation as of December 2014 (various funds) AreaTraced Lesotho6979 Mozambique4603 Swaziland1478 Botswana551 Malawi380 South Africa September 2014 TEBA is always committed to leverage infrastructure as well as its vast database to assist the industry with the tracing of beneficiaries entitled to unclaimed benefits.

Page Home-Based Care ( HBC & TB ) 8 To address the social and structural barriers to HIV, STIs and TB To prevent new HIV, STI and TB infection To sustain health and wellness To promote and support t and protection of human rights and help improve access to health. Promoting health seeking behaviour, e.g. uptake of VMMC, STI, PMTCT, ARV, post exposure prophylaxis etc. 26 March 2015

Page Services Rendered beneficiaries have benefited from HBC programs inclu families & community. Referral across borders Tracing of ex-mineworkers Symptomatic Screening Sputum collection Contact tracing Delivery of medical treatment on request Provide DOT coordination Counselling on adherence to Treatment Psychosocial support Education on infection control Defaulter tracing 9 12 September 2014

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Page SCI Home Adaptation (cntd) March 2015

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Page Thank you 12 September