Investigation in hematology Chittima Sirijerachai
Investigation in hematology Anemia Bleeding Malignancy
Investigation in patient with anemia Initial CBC, blood smear Red cell indicies Reticulocyte count Specific Inclusion body Osmotic fragility Saline agglutination Coombs’ test Hb typing Ham’s test BM aspiration
CBC Hb, HCT -anemia -polycythemia WBC -leukocytosis -leukopenia -abnormal cells Platelet -thrombocytosis -thrombocytopenia
Criteria for Diagnosis Anemia Hb.( g/dl) Hct (%) Children Male Female ( ) Female ( > 50 ) Pregnant women
Criteria for diagnosis polycythemia Male1860 Female HbHct
CBC Hb, HCT -anemia -polycythemia WBC -leukocytosis -leukopenia -abnormal cells Platelet -thrombocytosis -thrombocytopenia
Normal value WBC5,000 – 10,000 / PMN40-75 % L20-50 % Eo1-6 % B1 %
Leukocyte disorders eosinophilia basophilia monocytosis leukemoid reaction leukoerythroblastic (myelophthisis) leukemia leukocytosis leukopenia neutrophilia neutropenia lymphocytosis lymphopenia
CBC Hb, HCT -anemia -polycythemia WBC -leukocytosis -leukopenia -abnormal cells Platelet -thrombocytosis -thrombocytopenia
CBC and RBC indices fl pg g/dl %
Reticulocyte count Normal= % Corrected reticulocyte =Pt HCT X Reti. Normal HCT
Inclusion body Heinz body
Osmotic fragility (OF) Red cell % NSS One tube OF – screening for thalassemia Hereditary spherocytosis
Bone marrow aspiration Indication :- Cytopenia Myelophthisis anemia Leukemia Lymphoma staging Myeloproliferative disorders Fever of unknown origin
Thalassemia - thalassemia - thalassemia - hemoglobinopathy
thalassemia 1 trait=_ _ / 2 trait=_ / 1 2 = _ _ / _ 1 1 = _ _ / _ _ 2 2 = _ _
thalassemia 00 ++
Normal hemoglobin 2 2 = Hb A 2 2 = Hb F 2 2 = Hb A 2
thalassemia 4 =Hb H 4 =Hb Bart’s Hb A Hb A 2 Hb F
thalassemia Hb A Hb A 2 Hb F
Heterozygote hemoglobin E EE 2 2 = Hb A 2 = Hb E %
thalassemia/Hb E EE Hb A / absent Hb A 2 / Hb E Hb F
FatherMothersibling 1sibling 2 Hct45%33 %42%36 % MCV % Hb typingA2AA2AA 2 ABart’s HA2AA2AA2AA2A Hb A % Hb A Hb F1.3 Hb E Hb Bart’s3.3 Hb H7.5 Hb CS genotype a 1 trait a1a2a1a2 a 2 trait a 1 trait
Fathermothersibling 1sibling 2 Hct40 % 2545% MCV Hb typingA2AA2AEAEFA2AA2A Hb A %9498 Hb A Hb F32 Hb E3065 Hb Bart’s Hb H Hb CS genotype b trait E trait b /E normal
Investigation in patient with bleeding disorders
Investigation CBC, platelet count Bleeding time Platelet function test Venous clotting time Prothrombin time (PT) Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
CBC and platelet Platelet: < 20,000 20,000-50,000 50,000-70,000 Spontaneous bleeding Bleed after minor trauma Bleed after major trauma
CBC and platelet
Giant platelet
Bleeding time Platelet function Normal: 2-7 minute
Venous clotting time Normal: 5-20 minute Prolong if clotting factor is <5 % Small clot - hypofribinogenemia Clot retraction time (plt function) Clot lysis time
Prothrombin time (PT) Normal: sec PT ratio= Normal < 1.3 INR= Control PT patient PT Control PT patient PT ISI ISI = international sensitivity index
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) Normal= sec Isolated PTT prolong: F VIII, IX, XI, XII deficiency F VIII, IX, XI inhibitor Antiphospholipid syndrome
Mixing test Patient plasma Normal plasma PTT 0 hour 2 hour Correctable PTTFactor deficiency