Hypercoagulability and Thrombosis Maria Domenica Cappellini Erika Poggiali University of Milan and Policlinico Foundation IRCCS Milan, Italy
Clinical challenges in NTDT Iron overload Hypercoagulability Iron overload Hypercoagulability The 2 most important clinical challenges in patients with NTDT are iron overolad and hypercoagulability. We focus our attention on hypercoagulability
Hypercoagulability Why are we so concerned?
Epidemiology of thromboembolism in thalassaemia patients Reference TI n (%) TM Type of thrombosis VT PE AT Stroke Zurlo et al., 1989 – 4/159 (2.5) N/A Michaeli et al., 1992 4/100 (4) * Aessopos J et al., 1997 3/5 (60) Moratelli et al., 1998 12/74 (16.2) 14/421 (3.3) Borgna Pignatti et al., 1998 5/52 (9.6) 27/683 (4.0) Cappellini et al., 2000 24/83 (29) Borgna Pignatti et al., 2004 8/720 (1.1) Early studies on Epidemiology, wide range of reported figures but the fact that TI > TM started being noticed. Data on the epidemiology of TEE in beta-thal pts are limited, but evidence suggests that the incidence in pts with TI may be as musch as 4-fold higher than in pts with regularly transfused TM. TI = β-thalassaemia intermedia; TM = β-thalassaemia major; VT = venous thrombosis; PE = pulmonary embolism; AT = arterial thrombosis; N/A = not available. Taher A, et al. Blood Rev 2008;22:283-92.
These data are confirmed by the largest clinical study from 8,860 pts form the Mediterrean area and Iran Taher A, et al. Thromb Haemost. 2006;96:488-91.
Thromboembolic events Patients (N = 8,860) 6,670 with TM 2,190 with TI 146 (1.65%) thrombotic events 61 (0.9%) with TM 85 (3.9%) with TI Type of event Risk factors for developing thrombosis in TI were age (> 20 years) previous thrombotic event family history splenectomy Thromboembolic events in a large cohort of β-thalassaemia patients The largest clinical study to date analyzed data from 8.860 pts (6.670 TM, 2190 TI). The authors demonstrated that TEE occurred 4.38 times more frequently in TI than TM with more venous events occurring in TI and more arterial events occurring in TM. Moreover, patients with TI who developed a TEE were more splencetomized, non-transfused, and had a hemoglobin level below 9 g/dL, which may justify a higher thrombotic drive as abonomrla RBCs are expected to remian longer in the circulation. The study describe age beyind 20 years, splenectomy, family history of TEE and previuos TEE as the main risk factors dor develping thrombosis in the study group. Thromboembolic events (%) DVT = deep vein thrombosis; PE = pulmonary embolism; PVT = portal vein thrombosis; STP = superficial thrombophlebitis. Taher A, et al. Thromb Haemost. 2006;96:488-91. 6 6
Can we redefine thalassaemia as a hypercoagulable state?
Pathophysiology of Thalassaemia Extravascular haemolysis + Ineffective erythropoiesis Release into the peripheral circulation of damaged RBCs and erythroid precursors The pathophisiology of TI is characterized by extravascular hemolysis and a high degree of ineffective erythropoiesis with the release into the peripheral circulation of damaged RBCs and erythroid precursors. This has been attributed to severe complications such as pulmonary hypertension and thromboembolic phenomena. Pulmonary hypertension (PHT) and thromboembolic events (TEE)
Pathophysiology of thrombosis in NTDT Cellular factors Platelet activation Pathology and alteration in red blood cells Endothelial cells and peripheral blood activation (microparticles) Nitric oxide Splenectomy Inherited and acquired coagulation defects Other factors Hyperoagulability in pts with NTDT has been attributed to several factors. It is often a combination of these factros that leads to clinical TEE. Cappellini MD, et al. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2010;1202:231-6.
Hypercoagulability Hypercoagulability Nitric oxide Other factors Cardiac dysfunction Hepatic dysfunction Endocrine dysfunction Nitric oxide Hallmark of haemolysis ↓ Levels leading to vasoconstriction Peripheral blood elements Expression of endothelial adhesion molecules and tissue factor on endothelial cells (ELAM-1, ICAM-1, vWF, VCAM-1) Formation of microparticles RBCs Formation of reactive oxygen species Expression of negatively charged phospholipids Enhanced cohesiveness and aggregability Hypercoagulability Platelets Increased platelet aggregation Increased expression of activation markers Presence of platelet morphologic abnormalities Thrombophilia No role for prothrombotic mutations Decreased levels of antithrombin III, protein C, and protein S Anti-phospholipid antibodies Splenectomy High platelet counts and hyperactivity High levels of negatively charged RBCs Cappellini MD, et al. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2010;1202:231-6.
Platelet activation Active thrombosis Chronic hypercoagulable state Chronic platelet activation ↑ expression of CD62P (P-selectin) ↑ expression of CD63 ↓ platelet survival due to enhanced consumption ↑ platelet aggregation Pts with beta-thal have activated PLTs. Flow cytometric studies confirmed the chronic PLT activation status. In beta-thal., there is evidence of increased PLT aggregation, an increased proportion of PLT expressing CD62P (P-selectin) and CD63, and a shortened platelet survival due to ehnanced PLT consumption (especially in splenectomized pts). Winichagoon P, et al. Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1981;12:556–60. Del Principe D, et al. Br J Hematol 1993;84:111–7. Ruf A, et al. Br J Hematol 1997;98:51–6. Eldor A, et al. Am J Hematol 1989;32:94–9.
Pathology and alteration in red blood cells Globin oxidation in erythroid cells (fastest in α-globin chains) Hemichromes Bind to membrane band 3, ankyrin and spectrin Heme disintegrates Toxic nontransferrin bound iron Reactive oxygen species Iron-dependant oxidation of membrane proteins Senescence antigens (phosphatidyl-serine) Rigid, deformed RBCs aggregate and are prematurely removed Splenectomy favours persistence of these RBCs in the circulation Thalassemic RBCs with negatively charged phopholipids increase thrombin generation. A high number of circulating RBCs with negatively charged phopholipids was found in splenectomized pts.
peripheral blood activation Endothelial cells and peripheral blood activation ↑ELAM-1 ↑ICAM-1 ↑VWF ↑E-selectin ↑VCAM-1 Vessel Obstruction Tissue Hypoxia Tissue Death Haemolysis The role of peripheral blood activation is documented by the increased expression of … …. … that suggest that endothelial injury or activation may be a feature of the disease and can aid the recruitment of WBCs and PLTs promoting thrombosis. Butthep P, et al. Thromb Hemost 1995;74:1045–9. Butthep P, et al. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 1997;28(Suppl. 3):141A–8A. Hovav T, et al. Br J Hematol 1999;106:178–81.
Hypercoagulability Hypercoagulability Nitric oxide Other factors Cardiac dysfunction Hepatic dysfunction Endocrine dysfunction Nitric oxide Hallmark of haemolysis ↓ levels leading to vasoconstriction Peripheral blood elements Expression of endothelial adhesion molecules and tissue factor on endothelial cells (ELAM-1, ICAM-1, vWF, VCAM-1) Formation of microparticles RBCs Formation of reactive oxygen species Expression of negatively charged phospholipids Enhanced cohesiveness and aggregability Hypercoagulability Thrombophilia No role for prothrombotic mutations Decreased levels of antithrombin III, protein C, and protein S Anti-phospholipid antibodies Platelets Increased platelet aggregation Increased expression of activation markers Presence of platelet morphologic abnormalities Splenectomy High platelet counts and hyperactivity High levels of negatively charged RBCs Splenectomy: can contritbute to increase susceptibility to thrombosis and it is linked to high PLT counts and aggregation following splenectomy, and(or to increased number of damaged RBCs. Thrombophilia: does not have a role, even if decreased levels of ATIII, protein C and S, and high levels of anti-phosholpid antibodies have been documented, the exact nature of these antibodies and their relation to coexistent hepatitis C virus is still under investigation. Cappellini MD, et al. Ann N Y Acad Sci 2010;1202:231-6.
The epidemiological data and the clinical experience
OPTIMAL CARE study: incidence and risk factors for thrombosis Parameter Frequency n (%) Age (years) < 18 172 (29.5 ) 18–35 288 (49.3) > 35 124 (21.2) Male : Female 291 (49.8) : 293 (50.2) Splenectomized 325 (55.7) Serum ferritin (µg/L) < 1,000 376 (64.4) 1,000–2,500 179 (30.6) > 2,500 29 (5) Complications Osteoporosis EMH Hypogonadism Cholelithiasis Thrombosis Pulmonary hypertension Abnormal liver function Leg ulcers Hypothyroidisim Heart failure Diabetes mellitus 134 (22.9) 101 (17.3) 100 (17.1) 82 (14) 64 (11) 57 (9.8) 46 (7.9) 33 (5.7) 25 (4.3) 10 (1.7) Complication Parameter RR* 95% CI p value Thrombosis Age > 35 years 2.60 1.39-4.87 0.003 Hb ≥ 9 g/dL 0.41 0.23-0.71 0.001 Serum ferritin ≥ 1,000 µg/L 1.86 1.09-3.16 0.023 Splenectomy 6.59 3.09-14.05 < 0.001 Transfusion 0.28 0.16-0.48 *RR indicates adjusted relative risk. High rate of thrombosis confirmed EMH = extramedullary haematopoiesis; CI = confidence interval. Taher AT, et al. Blood. 2010;115:1886-92.
Frequency of thrombosis increases with age in NTDT patients N = 120 treatment-naive* TI patients < 10 years 11–20 years 21–32 years > 32 years * * = statistically significant trend * * * * * *never received any treatment intervention (splenectomy, transfusion, iron chelation therapy, or HbF-inducing agents). PHT = pulmonary hypertension; HF = heart failure; ALF = abnormal liver function; DM = diabetes mellitus. Taher A, et al. Br J Haematol 2010;150:486-9.
High prevalence of thromboembolic events, particularly in splenectomized patients Thrombin-generated (nM) 10 30 60 90 120 150 Splenectomized patient with TI Non-splenectomized patient with TI Non-splenectomized controls Splenectomized controls Time (s) Thromboembolic events occurred in 24/83 (29%) transfusion-independent patients with TI who had undergone splenectomy Cappellini MD, et al. Br J Haematol. 2000;111:467-73.
OPTIMAL CARE study: patient stratification according to splenectomy and TEE status Three groups of patients identified Group I, splenectomized patients with a documented TEE (n = 73) Group II, age- and sex-matched splenectomized patients without TEE (n = 73) Group III, age- and sex-matched non-splenectomized patients without TEE (n = 73) Type of thromboembolic event in splenectomized TI patients (Group I) n (%) DVT 46 (63.0) PE* 13 (17.8) STP 12 (16.4) PVT 11 (15.1) Stroke 4 (5.5) *All patients who had PE had confirmed DVT. TEE = thromboembolic events; DVT = deep vein thrombosis; PE = pulmonary embolism; STP = superficial thrombophlebitis; PVT = portal vein thrombosis. Taher A, et al. J Thromb Haemost. 2010;8:2152-8.
OPTIMAL CARE study: patient stratification according to splenectomy and TEE status (cont.) Parameter Group I Splenectomized with TEE (n = 73) Group II Splenectomized without TEE Group III Non-splenectomized p value Mean age ± SD, years 33.1 ± 11.7 33.3 ± 11.9 33.4 ± 13.1 0.991 Male : female 33 : 40 35 : 38 34 : 39 0.946 Mean Hb ± SD, g/dL 9.0 ± 1.3 8.8 ± 1.2 8.7 ± 1.3 0.174 Mean HbF ± SD, % 45.9 ± 28.0 54.4 ± 32.8 44.2 ± 27.2 0.429 Mean NRBC count ± SD, x106/L 436.5 ± 205.5 279.0 ± 105.2 239.5 ± 128.7 < 0.001 Mean platelet count ± SD, x109/L 712.6 ± 192.5 506.3 ± 142.1 319.2 ± 122.0 PHT, n (%) 25 (34.2) 17 (23.3) 3 (4.1) HF, n (%) 7 (9.6) 5 (6.8) 1 (1.4) 0.101 DM, n (%) 4 (5.5) 0.256 Abnormal liver function, n (%) 2 (2.7) 0.863 Family history of TEE 3 (4.7) 0.554 Thrombophilia, n (%) Malignancy, n (%) 0 (0) 0.363 Transfused, n (%) 32 (43.8) 48 (65.8) 54 (74.0) 0.001 Anti-platelet or anticoagulant use, n (%) 0.598 Hydroxyurea use, n (%) 13 (17.8) 29 (27.4) 0.383 Splenectomized patients with a documented TEE had significantly higher NRBC (≥ 300 x 106/L), platelets (≥ 500 x 109/L), pulmonary hypertension occurrence, and were mostly non-transfused Hb = total haemoglobin; HbF = fetal haemoglobin; NRBC = nucleated red blood cell; PHT = pulmonary hypertension; HF = heart failure; DM = diabetes mellitus. Taher A, et al. J Thromb Haemost. 2010;8:2152-8.
Time-to-thrombosis (TTT) since splenectomy The median TTT following splenectomy was 8 years (range 1–33 years) Taher A, et al. J Thromb Haemost. 2010;8:2152-8.
Time-to-thrombosis (TTT) since splenectomy (cont.) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 NRBC count < 300 x 106/L ≥ 300 x 106/L 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Platelet count < 500 x 109/L ≥ 500 x 109/L Cumulative thrombosis-free survival Cumulative thrombosis-free survival Duration since splenectomy (years) Duration since splenectomy (years) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 There was no statistically significant difference in the median TTT between patients with and without PHT (9 vs. 8 years, P = 0.703) Transfused Yes No 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Pulmonary hypertension Yes No Cumulative thrombosis-free survival thrombosis-free survival Cumulative Duration since splenectomy (years) Duration since splenectomy (years) Taher A, et al. J Thromb Haemost. 2010;8:2152-8.
Clinical recommendations for the prevention of thromboembolic events A guarded approach to splenectomy in β-thalassaemia patients is recommended unless strongly indicated In already-splenectomized NTDT patients, those at high risk of thrombosis may be identified early by their high NRBC and platelet counts, evidence of PHT, and transfusion naivety attention should also be paid to the aging NTDT patients Prospective clinical trials that evaluate the efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of transfusions and anti-platelet and anticoagulant therapy in preventing thromboembolism are necessary aspirin for stroke prevention and lifelong anticoagulation treatment in patients with a history of thrombotic events Taher AT, et al. Br J Haematol. 2011;152:512-23.
OPTIMAL CARE study: transfusion therapy reduces the risk of complications Parameter RR 95% CI p value EMH Splenectomy 0.44 0.26–0.73 0.001 Transfusion 0.06 0.03–0.09 < 0.001 Hydroxyurea 0.52 0.30–0.91 0.022 Pulmonary hypertension Age > 35 years 2.59 1.08–6.19 0.032 4.11 1.99–8.47 0.33 0.18–0.58 0.42 0.20–0.90 0.025 Iron chelation 0.53 0.29–0.95 Heart failure 0.02–0.17 Thrombosis 2.60 1.39–4.87 0.003 Hb ≥ 9 g/dL 0.41 0.23–0.71 Serum ferritin ≥ 1,000 µg/L 1.86 1.09–3.16 0.023 6.59 3.09–14.05 0.28 0.16–0.48 Cholelithiasis 2.76 1.56–4.87 Female 1.96 1.18–3.25 0.010 5.19 2.72–9.90 0.36 0.21–0.62 0.30 0.18–0.51 Abnormal liver function 1.74 1.00–3.02 0.049 n = 445 occasionally/regularly transfused patients (N = 584) Taher AT, et al. Blood. 2010;115:1886-92.
OPTIMAL CARE study: transfusion therapy reduces the risk of complications (cont.) Parameter RR 95% CI p value Leg ulcers Age > 35 years 2.09 1.05–4.16 0.036 Splenectomy 3.98 1.68–9.39 0.002 Transfusion 0.39 0.20–0.76 0.006 Hydroxyurea 0.10 0.02–0.43 Hypothyroidism 6.04 2.03–17.92 0.001 0.05 0.01–0.45 0.003 Osteoporosis 3.51 2.06–5.99 < 0.001 Female 1.97 1.19–3.27 0.009 4.73 2.72–8.24 3.10 1.64–5.85 0.02 0.01–0.09 Iron chelation 0.40 0.24–0.68 Hypogonadism 2.98 1.79–4.96 Serum ferritin ≥ 1,000 µg/L 2.63 1.59–4.36 16.13 4.85–52.63 4.32 2.49–7.49 2.51 1.48–4.26 Transfusion therapy was protective for thrombosis, EMH, PHT, HF, cholelithiasis and leg ulcers Transfusion therapy was associated with an increased risk of iron overload-related endocrinopathy n = 445 occasionally/regularly transfused patients (N = 584). Only significant associations presented. Taher AT, et al. Blood. 2010;115:1886-92.
Indications of RBC transfusion in TI Hb < 5 g/dL Declining Hb level with progressive splenic enlargement (> 3 cm/year)* Poor growth and/or development Evidence of bone deformities clinically relevant tendency to thrombosis leg ulcers EMH PHT infections Prior to surgical procedures Pregnancy Many patients require intermittent RBC transfusions due to intermitent conditions (infection, surgery), and more regular therapy is often indicated for growth failure, bone deformities or when Hb levels decline due to progressive splenomegaly. Hb = heamoglobin. * At least in periods of maximal growth and development. Taher A. et al. Blood Reviews 26S (2012); S24-S27. 26
Initiating transfusion therapy in NTDT patients The decision to initiate transfusion in these patients is very difficult due to the heterogeneity of the disease There is no benefit in limiting the quantity or frequency of transfusions once they have begun Starting transfusions after the third year of life has been shown to increase the risk of alloimmunization Transfused patients with TI experience fewer TEE, PHT and silent brain infarcts compared to transfusion-naïve patients, due to the correction of the ineffective erythropoiesis and resulting damaged RBCs with thrombogenic potential An individualized approach is recommended to estabilish an optimal strategy for preventing the occurrence of TEEs. There may be clinical benefit to initiating transfusions earlier or phrophylactically to reduce the risk of allommunization and to prevent complcations that can occurr with delayed initiation of transfusions. Taher A. et al. Blood Reviews 26S (2012); S24-S27.
Summary Thromboembolic events are frequent in β-thalassaemia patients oxidative damage to RBCs, impacting their membrane properties, resulting in increased aggregation and risk of thromboembolism risk of thromboembolism increases with age, and is influenced strongly by splenectomy and transfusion navïety Splenectomy is associated with a high risk of thrombosis, particularly in patients with high NRBC or platelet counts, who are transfusion-naïve Transfusion therapy reduces the risk of thrombosis in NTDT patients transfusion iron intake inevitably increases the risk of iron overload, but the benefit of transfusion therapy may greatly outweigh the cost and inconvenience of iron chelation therapy Many different factors can contribute to the hypercoagulability state observed in pts with beta-thalassemia. In most cases, a combination of these abnormalities leads to clinical thrombosis. The higher incidence of thrombotic events in TI compared to TM is mainly attributed to transfusion naivety and splenectomy, both of which promote an underlying procoagulant activity.
Summary Despite various treatment options are available, no clear guidelines exist: each patient must be assessed individually and assigned a personalized thrombotic risk based on intrinsic and extrinsic factors Several studies are highlighting the roles of transfusion, iron chelation therapy, and fetal haemoglobin induction (hydroxycarbamide, HU) in the management of NTDT; thus these approaches merit large prospective evaluation Another approach would be to correct the reactive oxygen species-induced RBC membrane damage using antioxidants, although this approach has not yet been verified in clinical trials No clear guidelines exist to estabilish a prophylactic strategy: an individualized approach that takes into consideration all associated risk factors is advisable. It may also possible to design thalassemia-tailored thrombosis risk-assessment model (RAM) to estimate thrombotic risk as a function of intrinsci (e.g. thalassemia type and number of circulating RBC) and extrinsic (surgery, infection, splenectomy) factors. Hydoroxicarbamide may decrease coagulation activation by reducing phopholipid expression on the surface of both RBCs and PLTs, and decreasing RBC adhesion to thrombospondin.
Acknowledgments I would like to thank you for the attention, and all the Congenital Anemia Center Staff for their support Prof. M.D. Cappellini Giovanna Graziadei Irene Motta Alessia Marcon Ilaria Gandolfi Laura Zanaboni Marianna Giuditta Elena Cassinerio Marta Mazzoleni Claudia Cesaretti Silvio De Fazio All the nursing staff Growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) and twisted gastrulation 1 (TWSG1) released by erythroblasts have been proposed to be involved in hepcidin suppression. In patients with homozygous β-thalassemia or other anemias with ineffective erythropoiesis, elevated serum GDF15 correlates with diminished hepcidin levels and increased iron absorption.
Alteration of the phospholipid “Flip-Flop” mechanism: RBCs with negatively charged phospholipids Adherence of RBCs to endothelial cells is increased Phosphatidylserine on damaged or senescent RBCs leads to Recognition by phagocytes Removal from circulation Apoptosis Splenectomy favours persistence of these RBCs in the circulation Thrombus formation Fibrin/ platelets Thrombin generation Courtesy of Dr A. Taher.