Boston Survivor Accessibility Alliance (BSAA) Construction Program Flow Chart & Procedures
Applicant submits Request DPS Assigns RDP to Conduct Site Visit and Assessment RDP Creates Construction Documents Request Returned to Applicant for Corrections RDP, Construction Trades, and Applicant Develop Construction Schedule and Contract RDP Oversees Construction DPS Selects Construction Trades Project Completion Boston Survivor Accessibility Alliance (BSAA) Construction Program Flow Chart Request Denied or Incomplete Request Approved RDP Submits Building Permit Application Building Official and Others Conduct Inspections RDP, Construction Trades, DPS and Applicant sign-off.
BSAA M ISSION & S COPE The mission of the Boston Survivor Accessibility Alliance (BSAA) is to assist with recovery efforts for those affected by the marathon day bombings by helping to provide adequate: Access to, from, in and around their home or, at times, business by use of ramps or vertical transport; Installation of alarms or other fire protection devices; Widening, reconfiguring and\or otherwise altering kitchens, bathrooms and other areas to accommodate life style changes. The main scope of work will focus on physical modifications to the affected party, owner occupied home. Consideration will be given to survivor-owned businesses.
BSAA P ARTICIPANTS The BSAA will be comprised of: DPS employees; Architects; Engineers; Contractors; Building Supply Contractors; Inspectional Officials; and Others, all of whom will donate time, services and materials to help complete necessary modifications to homes and businesses as defined by the project mission and scope.
S TEP 1 Applicant submits a request to the BSAA describing the type of work on a form designed for that purpose, i.e. New ramp; Vertical Lift; Bathroom remodel; Kitchen remodel. BSAA Project Manager (DPS) reviews the request for accuracy and completeness and: Approves request; Returns for corrections; or Denies.
S TEP 2 DPS reaches out to American Institute of Architects (AIA) who assigns a Registered Design Professional (RDP) to conduct site visit, assess and measure existing conditions in order to develop project scope and construction documents. The RDP contacts DPS with a list of likely trade organizations who will be involved in the process.
S TEP 3 Registered Design Professional (RDP) develops construction documents. RDP reviews with applicant & conceptually talks about schedules and timelines for completion.
S TEP 4 DPS confers with appropriate group to assign a contractor. Contractor reviews schedules and timelines for completion with RDP and owner representative. Contractor reports back to DPS with start and anticipated completion dates.
S TEP 5 RDP, Contractor, and Applicant Develop Construction Schedule and Standard Contract. Contractor reviews issues of workers compensation and liability insurance.
S TEP 6 RDP submits necessary permit applications. RDP reports back to DPS with an update identifying likely date for receipt of permits and start of construction.
S TEP 7 Contractor begins work. RDP oversees construction as necessary. RDP periodically reports back to DPS with progress.
S TEP 8 Building Official (and others as necessary) conduct inspections. Building Official reports back to DPS with progress.
S TEP 9 RDP, Contractor, DPS and Applicant review and sign-off on final project success. DPS records project as completed in the database.