Mrs. Garcia’s Class 7th Grade Reading and PAP Reading Classroom Procedures Mrs. Garcia’s Class 7th Grade Reading and PAP Reading
Entering/Exiting Room No need to run, wrestle, somersault, yell, etc. while entering Possibility of visitor in room at any point!
Class Behavior I can only be as laid back with you as you allow me to be! Follow classroom guidelines Good Behavior = More Privileges! Use Common Sense
Good Behavior = More Group Opportunities
Class Expectations My actions will allow my teacher to teach. My actions will allow other students to learn.
Class Expectations I will follow all school rules and be responsible for my actions.
Class Expectations 4. I will come to class prepared by bringing my supplies and assignments. 5. I will work the entire class period at my maximum level.
Class Expectations 6. I will participate in class.
D-Hall Policy I rarely have to give D-halls Just be cool! See campus guidelines for consequence steps
Birthdays Written on front board. You get a lollipop! If birthday falls on a weekend, you will receive the sucker the Friday before. If birthday falls during summer, we attempt to celebrate those birthdays as a class before the end of the year.
Homework Dog Fido is located on the front table. Feed him homework or assignments only when asked! Make sure full name, class period, and student number are on paper! Write “Absent Work” or “Late” work on those corresponding assignments.
Homework Dog
Safety Drills Fire Drill Tornado Drill Lock Down Drill NEVER TALK DURING THESE DRILLS AND PLEASE REMAIN CALM!
Teacher Web Page/Skyward Get signed up!! Check grades often! Please allow me time to grade. Grades are often posted before papers are returned due to absences. You are responsible for your missing work--check Teacherweb!
Tutorials I am here after school Mondays from 3:45-4:15 pm & Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8:05 - 8:33 am to help you.
Turning In Work Make sure full name, period, student number, and date are on papers!
Turning In Work-Correct Example of Heading Sally Jones #14 9-15-14 4th Period Plot Structure Notes Each complete story has a plot or beginning, middle, and end. The setting and characters are introduced to us in the beginning or exposition…….
Turning In Work/Retrieving Books Pass forward quietly! I will collect work from first desk in each group. NEVER place work on my desk unless I have told you to do so! First person on each row is responsible for retrieving books for their row if needed.
Books Continued My books DO NOT leave this classroom. All books must be neatly returned to book shelf when finished.
Location of Common Items: Trashcan Pencil Sharpener Stapler & 3-Hole Punch Tissues Germ X Hall Passes Extra Writing Supplies
Side Board/Back Board Date, Day of Week, Birthdays Daily Agenda and Exit Ticket NO NEED TO ASK “What are we doing today?” Flags for pledges Please do not write on boards :)
Nurse Needs Are you really in need of medical attention? Do you just need to put head down or sit on the potty? If you feel the need to puke, JUST GO! (To the bathroom that is)! Must have pass from me
Bathroom/Hall Pass Sign-Out 10/10 Rule One person out at a time. Fill out card appropriately. No bathroom breaks right after tests, unless they are emergencies. You must use the bathroom closest to our room. Don’t break my trust!!
Absent/Late Work YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!! Check make-up work before school, or during tutorials, not at the moment class is beginning. If you know the due date prior to absence, the assignment is still due!
Late/Missing Work
Don’t Ask This…
Absent Work Policy I do not hunt you down for make-up work. Check my websites for more info. Absent 1-3 Days= 3 days to complete and turn in work Absent 4 or More Days= 1 day for each day absent to turn in work.
Tardies/Attendance Tardies Count! Avoid a D-Hall! Everyone can make it on time! Never “sneak” in after attendance--you will be marked absent. You must have pass from tardy station. Make sure you are in your correct seat when the bell rings.
Borrowing Supplies Come to class prepared. Don’t “Help Yourself” to anything on my desk. Or purse. Ever. I’m not that nice Tape is not meant for the face or shoe. You may borrow pens/pencils from the front table IF NEEDED. Please return when finished.
Classroom Interruptions Stay quiet and seated. FOCUS back on class!
Substitutes Be nice and respectful. Act up– There will be consequences! Represent Pearland South in a positive way!
Group Work Be welcoming! Don’t complain about your assigned partner(s)! Do your share of the work.
Need Help? I’m here to help you! Don’t ever be afraid to ask or e-mail. If you have any other problem, I am also here for you! Just ask
Together We Can Make This A Great Year!!