Stone Scholastic Academy Welcome to 7 th Grade! September 2, 2014
Our Agenda: 0 Locker Partners-Choose one… 0 Classroom Procedures 0 Line/Hallway Procedures 0 Student Schedules 0 Expectations 0 Lunch procedures 0 Agendas-enter teacher information 0 Contact Information 0 Board Work 0 Homework Information 0 Emergency Forms: Due Tomorrow! 0 Pass out books 0 Your pet peeves
Line Up Procedures/Bathroom 0 In the morning: Line up outside in TWO lines, be quiet in the halls! 0 Once you are in the building there should be no talking (SOAR)! 0 In the morning, no bathroom unless you have permission 0 You must be in your seat by 8:10 0 Before lunch: Go to your locker, get your lunch, then go to the bathroom before you eat 0 Bathroom breaks are to be taken before school and during lunch. 0 No one will be allowed to leave for the bathroom without a note from their parent explaining the reason they need to go during class time. 0 Yes girls, that includes your time of the month!
Entering the Classroom 0 New lunch procedure… 0 The morning times are important due to attendance, sit quietly in your seat 0 After lockers, return to your desk and READ (SSR), do not ask questions, talk with friends or do homework. 0 NEVER hand in homework (or place it on my desk) unless it is all being collected 0 NEVER place anything or touch anything on my desk without expressed consent form your teacher
Lockers & Permanent Seats 0 Lockers should be neat, organized (no papers falling out, books on floor…) and LOCKED when not in use. 0 You may purchase a school lock for $ Locker partners(16- 35)– find a partner and sign up on the sign up sheet. 0 Seats change through out the year. 0 I decide to change seats for various reasons and expect you to move to your new location without question. 0 During class your desk should be cleared except for what we are working on. 0 ALL books and other items should be kept under your desk.
Student Schedules & Lunches 0 Review student schedule 0 Write your class number on your schedule. 0 You may want to tape schedule in your locker so you know what books to take out. It is also posted on the front white board. 0 *You may now go to lockers and put away lunches, etc… 0 Lunch-Price ? 0 Eat at your OWN desk, put away garbage and check to make sure your desk is CLEAN for the next student using it. 0 After you have eaten and cleaned your desk, get ready for recess 0 Please follow lunch rules
Student Agendas & Supply Lists Agendas 0 Pass out agendas and discuss use. 0 Write in teacher and class number: 0 Choose homework buddies- Write HW Buddy address and phone numbers into your agenda (remember you need someone RELIABLE, not necessarily your BFF). 0 Go over homework policy in syllabus Supply List 0 Collect tissue, paper towels. 0 You must bring the following to class everyday: the current book you are reading, paper, pencil, pen, journal(reading, writing, board work), RRJ book, notebooks. 0 *Novels and Literature book as needed. 0 Review the rest of the list. 0 If you borrow supplies from me it will cost you an unprepared check. 0 Cover ALL books especially Literature book!
What to Bring & How to Label It 0 2 Red spiral notebooks for Language Arts (writing): 0 1 titled “Writing”-for writing process (drafting, etc.) 0 1 titled “Language Arts Notes” 0 3 Black and White (marble) composition books labeled with student’s name & titled: 0 1 titled “Reading Response Journal” 0 1 titled “Board Work” 0 1 titled “Annotations” 0 You will need all of these every day along with the novel we are reading
Board Work Each student will be required to complete board work assignments in a separate notebook labeled “Board Work”. This notebook will be collected periodically and graded. In order to receive full credit the following guidelines should be followed: 0 You will be given 5 to 10 minutes to complete board work daily. It is essential that you come to class prepared and begin working immediately. 0 If absent YOU are responsible for writing the date you were absent in your folder along with the word “absent” so you can receive be excused, you have one day to make it up. 0 All work must be complete and legible in order to receive full credit.
Discipline System Overview 0 Checklist- review which checks are given / number of checks for recess detention 0 Behavior contract 0 Classroom assigned jobs and behavior checks (on report card) 0 When another teacher/adult enters the room they may have very important information to share with me, you are to remain on task until I am finished speaking with him or her. 0 Uniform/ jeans, SOLID blue or white shirts 0 Boys- no undies showing! 0 Girls- no cleavage or bras showing
Miscellaneous Information 0 Inclement weather before school begins – Go to the auditorium 0 Fire drill - close door, no talking, out by office doors & walk to Rosemont 0 Emergency in room- keep away from doors, NO talking. 0 LISTEN TO MY INSTRUCTIONS! 0 Personal hygiene 0 Acknowledgement and rewards 0 Look over syllabus 0 Parent packet overview-Review contents 0 Emergency forms- due back tomorrow! 0 Locker Partners
Books 0 You will need a literature book- I need to record all book numbers for all the books you borrow throughout the year 0 Course syllabus for The Outsiders, pass out no 0 Make sure your agenda, notebooks (for Board Work) and journals (for Reading Response Journal) are labeled 0 Make sure you have a system for keeping all handouts and notes in one place-this is helpful for final exams
My Pet Peeves 0 Respect, I will always respect you and ask for the same level of respect for myself and other teachers. 0 Talking when I am teaching or working with someone individually or when an adult enters the room-remain on task! 0 Lying. Be honest! Take ownership of your actions 0 If someone enters the room, be respectful! 0 Stay in an actual line when walking in the hallways (please don’t talk in line) 0 Food in the room & sticky desks after lunch, use a disinfectant wipe if you need to. 0 On this index card write your own pet peeves about school (no complaining about homework, uniforms or the lunches), begin working on your questionnaire…
Keys to Success in 7 th Grade 0 Don’t procrastinate 0 Take and review notes 0 Get organized-Keep handouts from my class 0 Get a study buddy 0 Have long-term goals 0 READ (especially non-fiction) 0 Read your writing aloud 0 Follow school rules-important for when letters of recommendation are needed