Kool aid man vs. Chester the cheetos guy Erik Gilbertson Dylan Roll Mick Hildebrand
What up you are listening to the number one hit talk show? Today's subject is food characters today you will win tickets to go and see the boxing match against Chester the Cheetos guy and the kool-aid man. Be the 12th caller and win them tickets. You call in page-2You call in You call in and win- 3
Hey you are caller number 15… sorry about that you called just a little too late. What’s your name? (Steve). Oh hi Steve how is your day today? (Pretty good yourself)? Oh mine is going just fine. Where are you? (I am on my way to work)
oh yeah well where do you work? (I work at the Boxing coliseum)… Oh for real well then why did you call when you can get in to see them for free? (Well I was going to give them to my friend Fred). Ok well you were caller 15 sorry. (Ok well thanks for your time we had a nice conversation). Have a good day. (You too)!
(Ok well thanks for your time we had a nice conversation). Have a good day. (You too)! Well you tried to call in but it just didn’t work out for you
Hi whom am I talking to? (Stanley) well guess what YOU ARE CALLER 12!!! Now where are you (on my way to work) ok well whenever you get a chance you come and get your tickets? Who are you taking with? (Probably my girlfriend) and who is that? (Ashley) ok well have a great time. Ok well you picked a good choice. Go pick up your tickets Go to work and pick them up later-
Now you are on your way to the studios that your tickets are in and all of the sudden you get a call from ‘work’ and they say that you are late and they were wondering if you were still coming in or not? Still go to work Go get your tickets and skip work
Ok you are at work and there is nothing for you to do and you want to leave and get your tickets before the DJ leaves for the night. So you go and talk to your boss to see if you can leave early? You get to his office and he said that if you want to leave you can but you wont get paid for the time you were here! Well now you are in a pretty bad situation…. To stay and get paid for the time you are here Go get your tickets
You decided well the DJ is going to be there until 10:00 tonight and you get done at 9:00 so you will find something to do until then. All of the sudden you hear someone screaming and yelling you go and see what’s up and one of the machines is now broken. So you go and talk to your boss and he says that you can get paid to fix it but it has to be fixed right. So you go and get the tools you need to fix the machine. Ounce you get done fixing it you get paid for how long you were here. Now lets get my tickets. Now you can get your tickets and have money for the concert! To go and get your tickets
FINILY you get your tickets and the DJ says, “Are you the guy who won the tickets for the boxing concert”? And you go yes I am. “Well here you go and have fun”. Now you got your tickets you get in your car and go home. But how is your girlfriend going to find out she is going to a boxing concert? You will have to call her and tell her if she wants to call her. You call her You go home
Hey Ashley do you want to go to a boxing concert tomorrow night? “YES” ok I will pick you up at 6:00 ok “yup she goes” you hang up after you say good night. Then you are on your way home. You need to stop to use the bathroom and there is a shell ahead and you look at how much gas you have and you say to your self that I need to fill up also. So you fill up with gas and go to the bathroom then you go home and go to sleep.
You are on your way home and you have to get something to eat. So you stop at culvers and get a butter burger and a strawberry shake. Ounce you get to sit down a guy comes up to you and says “are you the guy who won the tickets on the talk radio” you say yes. And he says well who are you taking? You go ummmm……. My girlfriend. “Oh” he goes. And he says well I have to get going. Then you eat all of your food and then go home. You say I have a big day tomorrow. Well tomorrow is a big day and you have to get some sleep. You get up to eat then go to pick up Ashley You get up and pick up Ashley without eating
You get up and have yourself some oatmeal, toast and coffee. Ashley calls and says that she is all ready to go. You say well I am just finishing up with breakfest be right there. “Ok see you then” Now you are under pressure you have to finish eating and still get dressed. Well you say just forget about eating I need to get dressed. Well now what am I going to eat??? Go pick up Ashley Go to get some food
You pick up Ashley and she says she didn’t eat either so you need to eat too so you decided to go to Perkins. You order an omelet and some coffee. Ounce you are done eating you go to the bathroom and wait for her to finish eating then go get in the car to go to the concert. Now you have to call work and tell them you are not coming today. Go to the concert Go get gas
YES you made it to the concert and you try to find a seat but they are all gone. What are we going to do you say to Ashley. I don’t know she says. Kick someone out of there seats Stand to watch
Ok well you look down and you are at a half of a tank so you decide to go fill up with some gas. Ounce you are full of gas you have to go in and pay so you get inside to pay and you see some hotdogs and you decide to get one. You pay and you are on your way Go to the concert Go Get Ashley
Ok you decided to kick someone out of there seats so you go up to two men sitting talking waiting for the concert to start and you go up to them and you tell them to get out and they do so you and Ashley sit down.
Well it sucks to stand to watch a boxing match you say to Ashley. Now the match is over early because the kool-aid man tipped over. You take Ashley home and you go home also.