P.S. 68 Stars P.B.I.S.
Table of contents Safe Thoughtful And Respectful
Safe Classroom - Use your walking feet -Be in your own space -Follow adult directions
Safe Bathroom -Wash your hands -Bathroom time is bathroom time
Safe Lunchroom -Walk quietly -Stay seated until dismissed -Keep hands and feet to self
Safe Playground -Play safely -Use equipment carefully -Follow directions
Thoughtful Classroom - Be a team player -Come to school on time and prepared to learn and work -Be positive, proud and proactive
Thoughtful Bathroom -Keep bathrooms neat and clean -Report messes -Wait your turn
Thoughtful Lunchroom -Keep your seating area clean -Stay in your assigned area -Help each other and be kind
Thoughtful Playground -Be a good sport -Invite others to play
Respectful Classroom -Take care of your classroom and materials -Try your best and ask for help -Respect the differences and opinions of others
Respectful Bathroom -Allow privacy -Flush the toilet
Respectful Lunchroom -Use #1 or #2 voice -Wait your turn in line -Follow the directions of the teachers and kitchen staff
Respectful Playground -Respect other’s space -Follow game rules -Use the voice scale