Daily Schedule: 9:30-11:20- Reading/English Language Arts 11:20-12:10- Specials 12:25-1:00- Lunch 1:10-2:20- Math 2:25-2:45- Recess 2:45-3:35- Science/Social Studies 3:35-4:05- Pack Up/Dismissal Our team is split with two classrooms inside and two classrooms outside in the trailers. Mrs. Foy and Mrs. Miszczuk are inside the main building and Mrs. Teal and Miss Hamlet are outside in the trailers. If your child has a teacher in one of the trailers, please be mindful of the weather. Rain jackets are encouraged as well as rain boots or an extra change of shoes when it is raining hard. Puddles form and kids sometimes cannot get around the puddles. Also, if your child is one of the trailers please talk to them about using the bathroom during our regular scheduled bathroom breaks. Please encourage them to use the bathroom before they come to school.
Assignments are broken down: Classwork is 60% of the total grade Homework is 15% of the total grade Tests/Quizzes are 25% of the total grade It is very important to check BCPSONE for your child’s grades. Missing assignments will be counted as a zero and will greatly impact their overall grade. We will not accept any make up work a week before the end of the quarter.
Homework is given Monday through Thursday Reading: A book log will be sent home at the beginning of each week. Students are expected to read 15 minutes each night. Please record it on the sheet. Spelling: Spelling words will be given out each week. Another sheet will be given out with different activities to do with the spelling words. Please choose a different activity to do with the spelling words. A spelling test will be given on Friday. Poetry: A poem will be given out at the beginning of the week. The first night students are to read the poem to three different people. The second night the students have to respond to a prompt that is written on the back of the poem. they must write at least 5 sentences and all sentences must be complete sentences. Math: Each night students will receive a math sheet. Homework is 15% of your child’s overall grade. All students when they come in must write their homework in their planners. Please check their planners and initial them daily. Students will also bring home a take home folder. Please check that daily and clean out all the papers that are sent home.
Our behavior system follows the red, orange, yellow and green light system. We have added purple to our chart this year for students that are really doing a good job. The purple replaces the Golden Gator. We also focus on a value of the month. A paper will be sent home with The values the school will focus on each month. If your child demonstrates that value than they will receive a Gold Gator. Our planners no longer connect to our value of the month.
Math Our Math Units: 1.Multiplication Concepts and Facts 2.Place Value, Number Patterns and Money 3.Algebra, Addition, Subtraction and Number Sense 4.Adding and Subtracting 5.Time, data and graphs 6.Multiplication facts and Patterns 7.Division Concepts and Facts 8.Measurement 9.Understanding fractions as numbers 10.Geometry 11.Multiplication and Division 12.Reasoning about fractions as numbers 13.Measurement and Data There are no big unit tests at the end of a math unit but short quizzes throughout the unit. Tests and quizzes are 25% of their overall grade.
Math Fast Facts We test the kids on fast facts which are timed tests. They have 5 minutes to complete as many problems as they can. The goal is to reach 95 or more within five minutes. We start with addition. Once students have mastered addition they move on to subtraction. Please practice these at home! All students must master subtraction facts by the end of third grade.
Units: 1.A Delicate Balance- The Relationship between Humans and Nature 2.Stories that teach fables, folktakes and myths from diverse cultures. 3.In development 4.In development 5.In development 6.In development
We are departmentalized for Science and Social Studies. A letter will home to let you know who your child’s science and social studies teacher will be. Social Studies Units: 1.What is a Community 2.Economics and Me 3.Where People Start a Community 4.Living Together 5.Many People of a Community 6.Communities Over Time Science Units: 1.Saving the Chesapeake Bay 2.Eco-Detectives 3.Matter: Just the Facts 4.Safe Racer 5.Moving Mountains *** All homeroom teachers will teach the safe racers unit. ****
Your child will receive a letter grade this year, A, B, C, D, or E. They will also receive an effort grade (1,2,or 3) and individual concepts will be graded as a VG= Very Good,S= Satisfactory, N= Needs Development or NA= Not Applicable LANGUAGE ARTS Quarter Achievement GradeCCCB Effort 1111 Reading—Comprehension and Vocabulary SSVG Writing –Written Expression and Knowledge of Language and Conventions SSVG Speaking and Listening SSVG MATHEMATICS Quarter Achievement Grade Effort CCCC 1111 Operations and Algebraic Thinking SSVG Number and Operations in Base Ten NSVG Number and Operations — Fractions NASVG Measurement and Data SSVG Geometry NA SS SCIENCE Achievement Grade Quarter AAAA Effort1111
Click on sample questions button that is on the left of the page. Click on grade 3 and you will see sample questions for reading and math. All students will take PARRC this year!
Aquarium- In the fall. There is more to come later Baltimore Trip- In May. More to come later.
We cannot have birthday celebrations in the classroom. If you would like to honor your child for their birthday, you can send in non food items (pencils, stickers, etc.) that we can pass out in the classroom. We will allow the students to eat a healthy snack in the morning. Please do not send in a healthy snack that contains nuts. We have a lot of food allergies. Also, please do not send in a drink with their snack. Last week we sent home a letter asking for parent volunteers. Thank you to everyone that sent the form back and offered to volunteer. A calendar will be sent home tomorrow for those parents that offered to help. Please let us know if you know there is a date that you cannot come in. Thank you again for all of your help! We will have holiday celebrations throughout the year. We will ask for monetary donations so we can make a craft with the students. More to come as each holiday approaches.