Hot Big Bang Model: The universe began expanding a finite time ago from a very dense, very hot initial state. Dense Dense = particles packed close together. Hot Hot = particles moving rapidly. As space expanded, the universe became lower in density and colder. Expansion of space has been continuous since the big bang (start of expansion).
BigBang” “Big Bang” is a rather misleading name. Galaxies are not flying through space like shrapnel after an explosion. They move apart carried along with expanding space.
Top pieces of evidence for the Hot Big Bang. Dark 1) Dark night sky → Finite age for the universe. Redshift 2) Redshift proportional to distance → Homogeneous and isotropic expansion. Cosmic Microwave Background 3) Cosmic Microwave Background → Universe was hot & dense enough to be opaque.
Other evidence for the Hot Big Bang. ¼ helium + ¾ hydrogen 4) ¼ helium + ¾ hydrogen → Universe was hot and dense enough for early nucleosynthesis. Age measurements 5) Age measurements of stars and planets are less than the Hubble time 1/H 0. Large scale structure 6) Large scale structure looks like that seen in simulations of an expanding universe.
CMB = light left over from early, hot, dense, opaque universe. The universe became transparent when scale factor was a ≈ 1/1000, and the time was t ≈ 400,000 years. From then until now (t ≈ 14 billion years), CMB photons have been freely moving.. COSMIC MICROWAVES
Observing the CMB: above Water vapor in Earth’s atmosphere absorbs microwaves: go above the atmosphere! COBEWMAP COBE (1989) WMAP (2003)
1% of the specks on any TV tuned between stations are interactions with the big bang.
Observation: After subtracting the effect of our motion through space, the CMB still shows hot and cold spots, about 1 degree across. Temperature fluctuation = 1 part per 100,000
density Interpretation: observed temperature fluctuations result from the density fluctuations in the early universe. density temperature Regions that were compressed had higher density, but also higher temperature (gases heat up as they are compressed). Hot cold Hot spots in the CMB are higher in temperature than cold spots by only 1 part per 100,000. densityfluctuations So the density fluctuations in the early universe were also small (about 1 part per 100,000).
Galaxies form from a hot, dense, smooth state.
Matter distribution goes from smooth to lumpy. 1234
The Rich Get Richer, the Poor Get Poorer. slightly much A region that was slightly denser than average will eventually become much denser than average; it’s compressed by its own gravity. Great Oaks from Tiny Acorns Grow. densermore massive A dense region will become denser & more massive with time; its gravity attracts surrounding matter.
It’s possible (with a very big computer) to simulate the steady growth of density fluctuations due to gravity. Make a large (imaginary) box. Fill it with (simulated) massive particles. Start with a nearly smooth distribution. Let gravity act for billions of years. F = M 1 M 2 R 2
then now redshift 0 The size of the box grows from 1.5 Mpc to 43 Mpc. now 13 billion years ago It’s a few 100 million years before galaxies form.
For the most ambitious activity, Geshes will be responsible for simulating structure formation. We will start with a nearly smooth distribution of “particles,” allow gravity to act, and watch the changing pattern over intervals of time.
The black plastic disks are particles in the universe. Think of them as the galaxies. We will evolve the distribution in steps of time, moving each disk once each step The direction of motion of each move is given by the sum of the neighbor’s gravity. Each move is a disk width, directed to the arrow oriented according to the gravity. The starting situation is close to smooth, but random and not exactly uniform. RULES OF THE GAME
Inverse Square Law Force = X Force = 4X Force = 2X Force = 6X
Move it a disk width in arrow direction Turn it over to show it’s been moved