CP Physics Mr. Miller
General Information Sir Isaac Newton – first to realize white light composed of different colors Prisms – separate white light into colors of light making up the visible light spectrum Each color has its own wavelength and frequency Higher frequency = greater energy Red light – lowest frequency so least energy Violet light – highest frequency so most energy
Seeing Colors Color is the property of light reaching the eye Objects absorb some colors and reflect others We see the reflected colors!!
Color Rule #1 The color of an opaque object depends on the frequency of light it reflects. All colors reflected and none absorbed = white No colors reflected and all absorbed = black
Color Rule #2 Color of an opaque object depends on the color of light shown on it. Red object - reflects red light Shine white light on it – looks red Shine red light on it – looks red Shine green light on it – look black
Color Rule #3 Color of a transparent object depend on the color of light it transmits. Blue filter transmits only blue light through it. Shine white light on it – blue passes through. Shine blue light on it – blue passes through. Shine red light on it – no light passes through.
Visible Spectrum ROY G BIV – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet Polychromatic = many frequencies of light colors together Monochromatic = single frequency of light
Primary Colors of Light Red, Blue, Green When added together they produce white light
Secondary colors of light Magenta, Cyan, Yellow Produced when two primary colors added: Red + Blue = Magenta Blue + Green = Cyan Green + Red = Yellow
Complementary Light Colors A primary light color and a secondary light color that will produce white light when added together Complements: Red + Cyan Green + Magenta Blue + Yellow
Primary Pigments Pigments = chemicals which absorb certain frequencies of light and reflect others Primary pigments absorb one primary color of light and reflect two primary colors Magenta – absorbs green, reflects red and blue Cyan – absorbs red, reflects green and blue Yellow – absorbs blue, reflects red and green So a primary pigment absorbs its complement!
Secondary Pigments Absorb two primary pigments and reflect one primary pigment Red, Blue, Green
Light colors vs. Pigments Primary colors of light = secondary pigments Secondary colors of light = primary pigments Mixing colors of light = ADDITIVE process More colors added – color of light gets lighter Mixing pigments = SUBTRACTIVE process Pigments absorb color, so more pigments absorb more colors of light and less reflected for us to see, gets darker