Color by Numbers Pages (Skipped Curves 79-84)
Syntax Introduced color color() colorMode()
Red, Green, Blue RGB is a common way to specify color Minimum value of number is 0 Maximum value of number is 255 Resulting in 256 different shades for each color 0 is black, 255 is the specific color…
Functions that take color as parameters background(r,g,b); fill (r,g,b); fill(r,g,b,alpha) stroke(r,g,b); stroke(r,g,b, alpha) alpha is for opaque/transparency 0 – entirely transparent 255 – entirely opaque
Example1 (size 100X100) background(129,130,87); noStroke(); fill(174,221,60); rect(17,17,66,66);
Example2 background(129,130,87); noFill(); strokeWeight(4); Stroke(174,221,60); rect(19,19,62,62);
Example 3: transparency background(116,193,206); noStroke(); fill(129,130,87,102); // more transparent rect(20,20,30,60); fill(129,130,87,204); // less transparent rect(50,20,30,60);
Example 4 background(0); noStroke(); fill(242,204,47,160); // yellow ellipse(47,36,64,64); fill(174,221,60,160); // green ellipse(90,47,64,64); fill(116,193,206,160); // blue ellipse(57,79,64,64);
color object color(gray); color(gray,alpha); color ruby= color(211,24,24,160); color pink = color(237,159,176); background(pink); noStroke(); fill(ruby); rect(35,0,20,200);
Summary We studied the usage of color and transparency We will not cover other color mode HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness)