Lab Reports Everything You Didn’t Want to Know!
Components of a Lab Report Title Purpose Procedure Safety Data Calculations Conclusion
How to Write a Lab Report Title: Placed at top center of page one Descriptive and appropriate Purpose: One sentence telling why the lab was performed Procedure: A paragraph summarizing how the lab was performed. Include key concept(s), formula, and/or chemical equation Safety: Specify safety rules by contract # Density of Solids Purpose: TPOTLIT investigate the density of various solids. Procedure: The relationship between the mass of an object and its volume is called density. The mass and volume of various cubed shaped substances were determined. The density was calculated by dividing the mass of the cube by its volume. Safety: #1,4,5,7 & 8
Includes both qualitative and quantitative observations Quantitative data should be arranged in a data table format Always use units of measurements Always use Significant Figures Data: Cylinder Mass (g) Volume (ml) Density (g/ml) aluminum copper brass lead iron Data
Calculations * Show a sample of how the calculation was performed. * Usually use first data set * Write Formula * Sub in #s with units * Answer with units rounded off to the correct # of sig figs Calculations: D = M V D = 5.40 g 2.0 ml D = 2.7 g/ml
Conclusion It is the most important part of the lab report. It is where you tell me what you learned from the lab. It always relates back to the purpose of the lab. It should include a discussion of sources of error. It is written in the third person. It could suggest further investigations. Conclusion: Different materials seem to have different densities. The five cubes have the same volume but their masses are different and consequently they have different densities. Aluminum, copper and lead have densities that are very different from each other. Of these three aluminum has the smallest density and lead has the largest density. Brass and iron have similar densities. The density of the copper, brass, lead and iron cubes are exactly the same as the values reported in the CRC handbook of chemistry and physics. The density of aluminum should have been 2.7 g/ml. A source of error in this experiment is the measurement of the volume of the cubes using the water displacement method. When the cubes were dropped into the graduated cylinder water tended to splash out. This made the volume of the cube smaller than it really was and the density of the cube larger than the actual value. This would account for the measured density of aluminum being 3.0 g/ml. Another experiment might be to measure the density of aluminum cubes that have different volumes. If the densities of these cubes were the same, density would be a characteristic property. A characteristic property allows one to distinguish substances regardless of the size of sample tested.
Conclusion Conclusion: Different materials seem to have different densities. The five cubes have the same volume but their masses are different and consequently they have different densities. Aluminum, copper and lead have densities that are very different from each other. Of these three aluminum has the smallest density and lead has the largest density. Brass and iron have similar densities. The density of the copper, brass, lead and iron cubes are exactly the same as the values reported in the CRC handbook of Chemistry and Physics. The density of aluminum should have been 2.7 g/ml. A source of error in this experiment is the measurement of the volume of the cubes using the water displacement method. When the cubes were dropped into the graduated cylinder water tended to splash out. This made the volume of the cube smaller than it really was and the density of the cube larger than the actual value. This would account for the measured density of aluminum being 3.0 g/ml. Another experiment might be to measure the density of aluminum cubes that have different volumes. If the densities of these cubes were the same, density would be a characteristic property. A characteristic property allows one to distinguish substances regardless of the size of the sample tested.
Sample Lab Report - Qualitative Data Raw Eggs and Chemicals Purpose: TPOTLIT investigate the effects of chemicals on raw eggs. Procedure: Sulfuric acid was added to a raw egg. In order to neutralize the acid, sodium hydroxide was then added. As a last resort, water was added to the raw egg. Safety: #23, 26, 31 Data: Observations Raw Egg Yellow yolk in center, 1” diameter Egg white clear, surrounding the yolk Raw Egg with Acid Yolk congealed Egg white congealed and became opaque Raw Egg with Base Egg became gel like Raw Egg with Water Spread out the mixture Conclusion: When the acid was added to the egg a chemical reaction occurred forming a white substance that was opaque. Although bases neutralize acids when the base was added the egg did not return to its normal state. This indicates that the acid was no longer present when the base was added because the acid had reacted with materials in the egg. Instead, the base reacted with the remaining material and formed a gel. This indicates that another chemical reaction occurred. The water was not able to return the egg to its “normal” state. The only effect of the water is to dilute the remaining chemicals. This activity demonstrated the meaning of the words “corrosive” and “caustic”. In a chemical sense these words mean “to destroy”. Since human eyes are made of protein materials just as the egg, this activity demonstrated the importance of always wearing safety glasses when performing labs.
F A Q’ S Yes, each person must record all data while performing the lab. Yes, all parts of the lab reports must be typed and each section clearly labeled. Yes, each person must submit his/her own lab report. Yes, you may help each other with the calculations but each person must work individually on the conclusion. NO, “warm and fuzzy” and personal comments are not included in the lab report. Especially conclusions. ie “I really liked this lab. It was easy to do. I learned a lot about density.” Yes, the lab report must be in the proper order. Reports are due on the following block lab day. Only one late lab report will be accepted a marking period. Yes, there is a 10 point penalty for each day that the report is late. EXTRA CREDIT: 10 point bonus if turned in before due date! Lab Report MUST be complete.
Rubric for Lab Report ComponentDescriptionPoints TitleClear and concise1 point Purpose One sentence why the lab was performed 2 points Procedure One paragraph summarizing how the lab was performed 2 points SafetyRules cited by #5 points Data Qualitative and quantitative observations 5 – 10 points Calculations Sample calculation using problem solving technique 5 – 10 points Conclusion Analysis of what was learned from the lab including error analysis 20 – 30 points
Rubric for Lab Technique CategoryPoints Participation in lab and Pre-Lab – Data – Post Lab Sheet 20 points Accuracy of data10 points Adherence to safety rules10 points Cleaning of equipment and lab station 10 points
Laboratory Make-Up Policy All labs are made up after school at 2:15PM on the following Thursday or Friday for Wednesday blocks and Friday or Monday for Thursday blocks. If you are on a field trip on lab day, plan on making up the lab that day at 2:15 PM. If you miss a lab, see me to schedule make-up. Once corrected labs are passed back to the class, late labs for that experiment can not be accepted.
Lastly If you have questions or need help… Please ASK!