How to Visualize in OpendTect Layers and Transparency, Volume Rendering & Iso surfaces Geert de Bruin
Introduction OpendTect is a powerful tool for attribute analysis and advanced object detection Visualizing the results is almost as important as the results themselves, therefore OpendTect has several advanced visualization options This presentation helps you to get best out of OpendTect: layers, transparency, color-bars, volume rendering and iso surfaces
Overview Working with attribute layers and transparency Visualizing data in 3D: Volume rendering Iso-surfaces (prototype)
Working with attribute layers Layer 2: Attribute In OpendTect one element (inline, crossline, time-slice, horizon, random-line) can have multiple attribute displays or layers The attribute on layer 2 is masking the seismic data on layer 1. Therefore we make the second layer (partially) transparent Layer 1: Seismic data Uniform transparency Part transparent / part opaque
Part transparent / part opaque The concept is to make a certain value-domain completely transparent (low attribute values), while keeping the other values opaque (high attribute values).
Workflow in OpendTect Display seismic data Right click on the element and select “add attribute”
Workflow in OpendTect Display seismic data Right click on the element and select “add attribute” Display an attribute on the new layer Select the layer and choose the color-bar “chimney” Tip: Shift + Arrow Up/Down To changes the order
Workflow in OpendTect Right click on the color-bar to flip or edit it
Consult OpendTect user-documentation
Uniform transparency Uniform transparency is equally simple to perform
Uniform transparency Layer 1 Seismic Data
Uniform transparency Layer 2 Acoustic impedance Layer 1 Seismic Data
Uniform transparency
Uniform transparency
Overview Working with attribute layers and transparency Visualizing data in 3D: Volume rendering Iso-surfaces (prototype)
Visualizing data in 3D: Volume rendering Display an attribute in a volume viewer. Make a certain value-domain completely transparent (low attribute values), while keeping the other values opaque (high attribute values).
Volume rendering Add a volume and position it
Add a volume and position it Load the attribute Deselect “inline crossline and time” & select “volren”
Add a volume and position it Load the attribute Deselect “inline crossline and time” & select “volren” Choose a color-bar with transparency (Chimney)
Overview Working with attribute layers and transparency Visualizing data in 3D: Volume rendering Iso-surfaces (prototype)
Add a volume and load the attribute data Right click in the volume item in the tree and select Add> Iso surface Iso surface
The color of the isosurface corresponds to the color in the color bar at the value of the isosurface (ignoring transparency)
Changing the iso value will thus result in a different color and shape
Iso surface: ChimneyCube