First results on 6M training sample and Bs->mumu analisys F. Crescioli, M. Dell'Orso, P. Giannetti, G. Punzi, G. Volpi.


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Presentation transcript:

First results on 6M training sample and Bs->mumu analisys F. Crescioli, M. Dell'Orso, P. Giannetti, G. Punzi, G. Volpi

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli2 Sample and programs Training sample 6M evts by Erik ( ) Bs->mumu sample 27k evts by Erik ( ) All samples with ATLAS-CSC geom ftksim with RW and HW enabled, variable plane layout  Old plane conf: 2 Pixel Layers (1 st and 2 nd ) - 4 SCT Layers  New plane conf: 3 Pixels Layers - 3 SCT Layers (1 st, 3 rd, 4 th ) ftksim_comp (matching program) with loose match requirements for phi and ctheta

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli3 Training results ~61k sectors with constants ~160k patterns per bank (8 banks) Overall efficiency ~50% (computed on bs->mumu sample) Checks on training gives results similar to v10, BUT:  Better impact parameter 5/6 resolution with 3 Pixel 3 SCTs layer setup  Sligth asymmetry on resolution shapes (expecially ctheta) in 5/6 mode. To be investigated.

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli4 Bs->mumu fake analisys - cuts Asym in ctheta distance. To be investigated. Distance from the nearest truth. Log scale. Cphi ctheta z0

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli5 Bs->mumu fake analisys - chi2 Old layer configuration New layer configuration

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli6 Bs->mumu fake analisys impact param distribution Old Layer configuration New Layer configuration

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli7 Bs->mumu fake analisys impact param distribution (mu) Old Layer configuration New Layer configuration

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli8 Bs->mumu fake analisys impact param resolution Old Layer configuration New Layer configuration

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli9 Bs->mumu fake analisys impact param  /non-  (good) Old Layer configuration New Layer configuration

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli10 Bs->mumu fake analisys impact param  /non-  (fake) Old Layer configuration New Layer configuration

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli11 Truth problems? Bs->mumu sample: some tracks have vertex exactly (0,0,0) in the truth  Mostly pi and protons, never muons Training sample: no tracks have exactly (0,0,0) Precision problem? jobOption problem? Is it a problem?

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli12 Bs->mumu fake analisys impact param distribution (no 0) All tracks. New Layer configuration Non zero impact parameter. New Layer configuration IP distribution is larger, because it's rich in muons

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli13 Bs->mumu fake analisys impact param resolution (no 0) All tracks New plane configuration Non zero impact parameter New plane configuration Resolution are slightly better with the non-zero impact parameter sample

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli14 Good/Fake missplane distr Old plane configuration New plane configuration

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli15 Conclusion Version training data seems ok First results on Bs->mumu sample highlight improvement with new plane configuration Fake tracks are now mostly real tracks with few parameters reconstructed bad  Impact parameter seems to be better measured We should repeat analisys on Wuu/Wbb sample Investigate minor strange things (zero impact parameter tracks, ctheta asymmetries,...)

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli16 BACKUP

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli17 Fake failed parameter distr Old plane configuration New plane configuration

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli18 Fake missplane/parameter distr Old plane configuration New plane configuration

23/01/2007Francesco Crescioli19 Good/Ghost/Fake Old plane configuration New plane configuration