Bootlegging The Grey Market in NYC
Bootleg Products Handbags Apparel Jewelry Fragrances DVD’s / CD’s Electronics Batteries Auto and airplane parts Steroid creams Prescription Medication Consumer Staples
Experiencing …
Do you buy bootleg products? Yes No If you answered yes to the question above, how often do you buy bootleg products? 1-2 Times per Week 3-4 Times per Week 1-2 Times per Month 3-4 Times per Month 1-2 Times per Year 3-4 Times per Year 5-6 Times per Year 7-8 Times per Year 9-10 Times per Year 72% 28% 3% 6% 28% 6% 22% 14% 11% 6%
Do you feel harassed by vendors? Yes No When you go out, how often do you get approached by these vendors? Not at All Somewhat Often Often What is the quality of the products you buy? Poor Fair Good Very Good Would you repurchase the bootleg products you once bought if they broke? Yes No 6%33%47%14% 31%69% 46%54% 8%72%20%
Why are Bootleg Products a Problem in New York City??? Economic - Hurts Business Political - Non- enforced laws Cultural - Downgrades social aspect/ view of our society Social - Harassed by vendors.
Economics Businesses –Revenues Real Vuitton Cherry Wristlet: $355; Fab Fake:$20 (6% of retail price.) Real Prada: $1,095; Fab Fake:$40 (4% of retail price.) Real Vuitton Wallet: $535; Fab Fake:$10 (2% of retail price.) Real Gucci: $1,350; Fab Fake:$30 (3% of retail price.) Real Vuitton MM Bag: $905; Fab Fake:$40 (5% of retail price.) –$23 Billion Counterfeiting Industry in NYC – 2004 –2005 Total Global Losses to United States companies $30-$35 billion – 750,000 American jobs lost Taxation – Mark Green – NYC Commissioner of Consumer Affairs - $350 million in unpaid taxes. –2003- $1.03 in lost tax revenue $380 Million in sales taxes ( Consumer) $290 Million Business Income Taxes (Businesses) $360 Million Personal Income Taxes (Vendors)
INTERPOL – The International Criminal Police Organization - Warning – Terrorism – Al-Qaeda – Hizbullah (Hezbollah) – Chechen separatists – Ethnic Albanian extremists in Kosovo – Paramilitaries in Northern Ireland
Primary goal of any business should be the wellbeing of the human person not the pursuit of profit! Profit is necessary but profit is a means to an end, not an end in itself! Economy should serve people not the other way around!
Humans are social creatures and that we have a moral obligation to build a society that provides the greatest opportunity for benefit for the greatest number of people possible.
“A firm preserving determination to commit oneself to the common good” Solidarity is essential to any Catholic Business ethic because it incorporates the CST principles. “ Commitment to the common good.”
In a democracy Government is a means by which we can act together to protect what is important to us & to promote our common values.
What’s being done???? Penalties –Minimum 15 days; Maximum 15 years. –Minimum $250 to Maximum of $2,250,000 or twice their gains, or twice the loss to the public and, the forfeiture of their illicit proceeds. –Proposed Law: Minimum 6 months to imprisonment with 4 years per felony and a minimum of $10,000. (For bringing a camcorder into a movie theater.)
Software and Industry Association (SIIA) International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC) Business Software Alliance (BSA) Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) World Copyright Treaty (WCT) WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT) Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
–Impose penalties on consumers that willing buy bootleg products. – Landlords should incur violations on their properties if this type of activity is performed on their premises. –Law enforcement agencies have to recognize that intellectual property crime is not a victimless crime. Cross-border investigations may be a solution!
Law Enforcement, Public Awareness, and Business Cooperation
No Clowning Around Recognize the issue. Think about the issue. See the issue in your future. –72% purchase bootleg products –Increase in bootleg sales ( ). –Dead business? How about yours? Unemployment! Put some feeling into the issue and make the connections. –Extreme organization groups.