Top Physics Validation: 14.1.0 Reconstruction, Simulation and Bytestream Paul S Miyagawa The University of Manchester.


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Presentation transcript:

Top Physics Validation: Reconstruction, Simulation and Bytestream Paul S Miyagawa The University of Manchester

Reconstruction vs Objective –Check reconstruction AOD Datasets (Run 5200 ttbar) –valid T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.recon.AOD. e322_s412_r421 Reco ; 48k events –valid T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.recon.AOD.e322_s412_r386 (reference) Reco ; 28k events Plots in Appendix A: Reco vs Reco –Plots show no difference –Electrons, muons, jets, b-jets, fake jets, missing Et –See web pages for more plots Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May 20082

Simulation vs Objective –Check simulation AOD Datasets (Run 5200 ttbar) –valid T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.recon.AOD. e322_s429_r426 Sim , CSC ; 48k events –valid T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.recon.AOD.e322_s412_r421 (reference) Sim , CSC ; 48k events Plots in Appendix B: Sim vs Sim –Plots show minor differences –Electrons, muons, jets, b-jets, fake jets, missing Et –See web pages for more plots Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May 20083

Simulation vs Electrons (3) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May More candidates due to backtracking? Phi resolution worse?

Simulation vs b-jets (2) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May Reconstruction efficiency slightly lower?

BS  AOD vs RDO  AOD Objective –Check bytestream reconstruction AOD Datasets (Run 5200 ttbar) –valid T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.recon.AOD. e322_s413_b30_r423 RDO  BS , BS  AOD , old LAr digi; 11.5k events –valid T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.recon.AOD.e322_s412_r421 (reference) Direct RDO  AOD , new LAr digi; 48k events Plots in Appendix C: BS  AOD vs RDO  AOD –Muons missing in central region –Electrons, jets, b-jets, missing Et look fine –See web pages for more plots Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May 20086

BS vs RDO Muons Paul S MiyagawaFollow-up, 16 April Staco muons, Pt > 10 GeV Related to missing barrel TRT photons?

Conclusions Reconstruction in (R13 sim + digi) shows no differences with Simulation in shows minor differences with –More electron candidates, probably due to backtracking Medium IsEM cut removes the extra candidates –Phi resolution of electrons slightly worse? –Reconstruction efficiency of b-jets slightly worse? Bytestream reconstruction in missing muons in barrel region –Possibly related to missing barrel TRT photons? Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May 20088

Appendix A: Reconstruction in

Reconstruction vs Electrons (1) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May Medium IsEM cut Et > 20 GeV Matched to e from W decay

Reconstruction vs Electrons (2) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Reconstruction vs Electrons (3) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Reconstruction vs Muons (1) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May Staco muons Pt > 10 GeV Matched to μ from W decay

Reconstruction vs Muons (2) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Reconstruction vs Muons (3) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Reconstruction vs Jets (1) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May Cone4 tower jets Pt > 40 GeV |η| < 2.5 Matched to quark from W or t decay

Reconstruction vs Jets (2) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Reconstruction vs Jets (3) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Reconstruction vs b-jets (1) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May Cone4 tower jets Pt > 40 GeV |η| < 2.5 b-tag weight ≥ 7.05 Matched to b quark from t decay

Reconstruction vs b-jets (2) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Reconstruction vs b-jets (3) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Reconstruction vs fake jets (1) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May Cone4 tower jets Pt > 40 GeV |η| < 2.5 Not matched to quark from W or t decay

Reconstruction vs fake jets (2) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Reconstruction vs Missing Et Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Appendix B: Simulation in

Simulation vs Electrons (1) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May Medium IsEM cut Et > 20 GeV Matched to e from W decay

Simulation vs Electrons (2) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Simulation vs Muons (1) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May Staco muons Pt > 10 GeV Matched to μ from W decay

Simulation vs Muons (2) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Simulation vs Muons (3) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Simulation vs Jets (1) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May Cone4 tower jets Pt > 40 GeV |η| < 2.5 Matched to quark from W or t decay

Simulation vs Jets (2) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Simulation vs Jets (3) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Simulation vs b-jets (1) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May Cone4 tower jets Pt > 40 GeV |η| < 2.5 b-tag weight ≥ 7.05 Matched to b quark from t decay

Simulation vs b-jets (3) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Simulation vs fake jets (1) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May Cone4 tower jets Pt > 40 GeV |η| < 2.5 Not matched to quark from W or t decay

Simulation vs fake jets (2) Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Simulation vs Missing Et Paul S MiyagawaPhysics validation meeting, 16 May

Appendix C: Bytestream in

BS vs RDO Electrons Paul S MiyagawaFollow-up, 16 April Medium IsEM cut, Et > 20 GeV

BS vs RDO Jets Paul S MiyagawaFollow-up, 16 April Cone4 tower jets, Et > 40 GeV, |η| < 2.5

BS vs RDO b-jets Paul S MiyagawaFollow-up, 16 April Cone4 tower jets, Et > 40 GeV, |η| < 2.5, b-tag weight ≥ 7.05

BS vs RDO Missing Et Paul S MiyagawaFollow-up, 16 April