How Will Authentication Reduce Global Spam? OECD Anti-Spam Task Force Pusan – September, 2004 Dave Crocker Brandenburg InternetWorking OECD Anti-Spam Task Force Pusan – September, 2004 Dave Crocker Brandenburg InternetWorking Spammer?Phisher?
2 2 D. Crocker, Brandenburg InternetWorkingOECD, Pusan / September 2004 Questions About Authentication… Will it stop spam, by itself, or do we need additional processes? Will authentication prevent “phishing”? Can we reduce spam without jeopardizing the sending of legitimate ? Will it stop spam, by itself, or do we need additional processes? Will authentication prevent “phishing”? Can we reduce spam without jeopardizing the sending of legitimate ?
3 3 D. Crocker, Brandenburg InternetWorkingOECD, Pusan / September Security Functions TermFunctionIdentification Who does this purport to be? Authentication Is it really them? Authorization What are they allowed to do? Accreditation What do I think of the agency giving them that permission? ??
4 4 D. Crocker, Brandenburg InternetWorkingOECD, Pusan / September 2004 What to Authenticate? IdentityTypeSemanticScheme Peer Provider IP net Peer site Peer MTA IP SMTP Peer SMTP EHLO Domain SMTP Peer CSV SMTP Mail-From /Domain Bounce address SPF, BATV ReceivedDomainIntermediary Sender /DomainPosterSender-ID From /DomainAuthorDomainKeys
5 5 D. Crocker, Brandenburg InternetWorkingOECD, Pusan / September 2004 Spam Dilemmas Nothing has yet reduced global spam! So we should proceed tentatively Unsolicited mail, from unknown author Could be spam; could be legitimate Spam is sent by army of compromised systems Authentic signature can be is misleading Assessing single signature is not enough Mail clients do not show all the headers And deceptions are often buried in the content Users are not skilled or attentive to subtleties Nothing has yet reduced global spam! So we should proceed tentatively Unsolicited mail, from unknown author Could be spam; could be legitimate Spam is sent by army of compromised systems Authentic signature can be is misleading Assessing single signature is not enough Mail clients do not show all the headers And deceptions are often buried in the content Users are not skilled or attentive to subtleties
6 6 D. Crocker, Brandenburg InternetWorkingOECD, Pusan / September 2004 Q1 – More Than Authentication? Authentication means you know “who” But nothing about whether they are ok We need Authorization We need Accreditation (Reputation) Use layered defense – multiple tests Message contents (maybe) Message author Message transfer service Traffic analysis Authentication means you know “who” But nothing about whether they are ok We need Authorization We need Accreditation (Reputation) Use layered defense – multiple tests Message contents (maybe) Message author Message transfer service Traffic analysis
7 7 D. Crocker, Brandenburg InternetWorkingOECD, Pusan / September 2004 Q2 –Will It Prevent “Phishing”? Joe Job Fake ID to gain acceptance Phishing is Joe Job to get returned information Social engineering Criminals are very creative and very aggressive Is a police ID fake? Is URL fake?? Joe Job Fake ID to gain acceptance Phishing is Joe Job to get returned information Social engineering Criminals are very creative and very aggressive Is a police ID fake? Is URL fake?? Levels of importance Need levels of protection Bad guys are good at finding cracks defenses A good beginning: Sign all identifiers & content Upgrade clients Create “reputation” services Educate users Spammer! Phisher!
8 8 D. Crocker, Brandenburg InternetWorkingOECD, Pusan / September 2004 Is Legitimate Jeopardized? If we are not very careful, then yes it is Will restrict legitimate usage scenarios Adds burden to everyone, not just bad guys Adds long-term burden for short-term symptoms is a rich, basic service It can be used far more flexibly than most people realize… if we do not cripple it. If we are not very careful, then yes it is Will restrict legitimate usage scenarios Adds burden to everyone, not just bad guys Adds long-term burden for short-term symptoms is a rich, basic service It can be used far more flexibly than most people realize… if we do not cripple it.
9 9 D. Crocker, Brandenburg InternetWorkingOECD, Pusan / September 2004 SPF and Sender-ID: Author Path Registration MUAMSA MTA 1 MTA 4 MDAMUA MTA 3 MTA 2 Peer Assigns Sender and MailFrom Did MSA authorize MTA 1 to send messages for domain ? Did MSA authorize MTA 2 ? Did MSA authorize MTA 3 ? MSA must pre-register and trust each MTA in entire path! Mail Agents MUA = User MSA = Submission MTA= Transfer MDA= Delivery
10 D. Crocker, Brandenburg InternetWorkingOECD, Pusan / September 2004 In summary Authentication is essential building block Multiple authentications needed Authorization and Accreditation also needed Attackers are creative This is a continuing battle is at core of human activities Efforts to stop bad behavior could also damage good behavior Authentication is essential building block Multiple authentications needed Authorization and Accreditation also needed Attackers are creative This is a continuing battle is at core of human activities Efforts to stop bad behavior could also damage good behavior