Emily Carroll and William Tran
Bigfoot (hunters) can just fake footprints with casts and stomp on the ground. Pictures of Bigfoot could just be pictures of a person wearing a large monkey suit. A hoax could be reported by the media and people who believe everything the media says might then believe in Bigfoot.
Bigfoot hunters say that when they encounter Bigfoot, he/she is very smelly and makes weird sounds. A Bigfoot hunting corrections officer and policeman say that they have shot a Bigfoot and sent the DNA to a research lab, but no results have been found. Huge footprints of Bigfoot have been found in the forest.
BIGFOOT IS REALBIGFOOT IS FAKE People have found Bigfoot’s footprints. There are videos and pictures of Bigfoot in forests. Bigfoot hunters claim to have killed Bigfoot and have its dead body. Casts could be made to imitate the footprints of bigfoot. “Bigfoot” could just be a very tall person in a monkey suit. DNA tests of Bigfoot have not proven Bigfoot’s existence.
So in conclusion, Bigfoot has a lot of speculation whether Bigfoot is real or not and nothing has been proven. k:\Sasquatch by Roland Smith.pptx k:\Sasquatch by Roland Smith.pptx