Using fake Facebook pages with your classes WEB 2.0: FAKEBOOK PAGES Using fake Facebook pages with your classes
What are Fake Facebook pages? Students can create a Fake Facebook page as a project in many different types of classes: English - Character (fictional/non-fictional), Author. History - historical figure/group. Geography - Country page/profile. Science - create a page for a certain type of rock. Math - formulas, theorems. Foreign Language - country, author, historical figure, featured verb, fictional character.
Who can do this? ANYONE … and that means YOU! However, this idea may appeal more to teachers in MS or HS because their students are on Facebook.
Where do I begin? There are many options available. Decide what media you (and your students) are comfortable using. There’s something for everyone! There are many options available. Google Docs Template PowerPoint or Word Templates Websites
What do these pages look like? Here are some real-life examples!
George Washington This is a downloadable Google Docs template. How to find the template: Login to Google Docs Click on Create New … From Template Search for Historical Facebook Locate the one by Derrick Waddell and click on Use this template
John F. Kennedy’s Wall Page This is a PowerPoint template.
John F. Kennedy’s Info Page This is a PowerPoint template.
John F. Kennedy’s Photos Page This is a PowerPoint template.
William Shakespeare’s Wall This is a PowerPoint template.
William Shakespeare’s Info Page This is a PowerPoint template.
William Shakespeare’s Info Page This is a PowerPoint template.
William Shakespeare’s Friend Page This is a PowerPoint template.
The Outsiders: a character’s page This is a Word document template.
Dwight D. Eisenhower This is a website: *Note the ads! You must also make an account!
Greek Mythology: Gods and Goddesses This is also from *Ads have been cropped! You must also make an account!
Periodic Table: The Elements This is also from *Ads have been cropped! You must also make an account!
Lessons Guidelines and Rubric
Sample Lesson Guidelines Name of historical figure at the top of the page Photos: (5) Albums: (2) 1 Profile Picture of your historical figure Personal Information: (At least 3 of each) Information Corner/Basic Information Activities Network Interests Birthday Favorite Music Political Affiliation Favorite Movies Religion Favorite TV Shows Hometown Favorite Books Friends Corner: Contact Information: (You may need to make this up!) 6 pictures of people that are/would be friends with your figure Address: Phone Number: The Wall Email address Write 6 significant facts on The Wall. These facts need to highlight important events that your historical figure is famous for. Each comment must be about a separate event and include the date. The comment can be from your figure or from someone associated with your figure.
Information Corner/Basic Info Sample Lesson Rubric Item Points Score Value Picture 3 Personal Information Information Corner/Basic Info Activities Network 2 Music Birthday Interests Religion Movies Hometown TV Shows Friends Corner Books 6 Pics 18 The Wall Contact Information 6 Facts 30 Address 1 Phone # 5 Photos 20 Email 2 Albums 10 TOTAL
Can’t wait to get started? Email me for any of the templates or the lesson guidelines/rubric!