Introducing the New Visual Studio 2012 Unit Testing Experience Peter Provost Sr. Program Manager Lead Microsoft Corporation DEV214
Quick overview of the new Unit Test Explorer window
Unit testing async methods with MS-Test
Using Fakes to create fast- running, isolated unit tests
For a deep-dive on fakes DEV411: Testing Un-testable Code with Fakes
Code Coverage
Unit Testing on Team Build in the Cloud
Continuous Testing
Find Me Later At DEV01-TLC: Application Lifecycle Management (ALM)
Breakout Sessions DEV214 Introducing the New Visual Studio 11 Unit Testing Experience AAP401Real World Developer Testing with Visual Studio 2012 DEV411 Testing Un-testable Code with Fakes in Visual Studio 2012 AAP330Compile & Execute Requirements in.NET Hands on Labs DEV17-HOLExplore the New Unit Testing and Code Clone Capabilities of Visual Studio 2012 Product Demo Stations DEV01-TLCApplication Lifecycle Management (ALM)
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