A look at bystander intervention and diffusion of responsibility. Project by Bryce Monser
Kitty Genovese case John Darley and Bibb Latané Social psychologists Bystander intervention: witnessing an emergency and helping. Diffusion of responsibility: as number of bystanders increases, individuals feel less personal responsibility.
GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 METHOD Fake seizure recording
Group 1: Less than 1 min. to respond Group 2: more than 3 min. to respond
Those who eventually helped, the delay was greater when more bystanders present. Social influence: how behavior changes because of presence of others. Evaluation apprehension: we don’t help because we might be embarrassed or ridiculed.
Smoke in room experiment Timed how long until reported smoke Similar results
Relating findings to reduce child abuse and domestic violence. Characteristics of people who witness child abuse. Brain immediately “leaps” at chance to assume less responsibility when part of a group.