Cyberbullying A new and dangerous phenomenon
What is Cyberbullying? “Cyberbullying involves the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others.” – Bill Beasley
Why do they do it? Out of anger As revenge In response to another cyberbully
Cyberbullying Statistics Over 40% of students with internet access have been the victim of a cyberbully. Girls are more likely to be the target of cyberbullies than boys. Only 10% of victims tell their parents. The most common tools for a cyberbully are chat rooms, social networking sites, and instant messaging.
Bullying vs. Cyberbullying Cyberbullying, like other forms of bullying, is about power and control. Those who bully want to make their victims feel that there is something wrong with them. It is a particularly cowardly form of bullying in that cyberbullies often act anonymously.
Some Examples of Cyberbullying Multiple anonymous threatening and taunting s or texts Rumors are deliberately spread about a person through posts to social media, e- mail, & texts Nasty fake profiles posted on Facebook Embarassing photos, sometimes altered, are forwarded to others
More Examples Creating hateful or mean spirited polls about an individual and posting them on different web sites Recording conversations without a person’s knowledge, then posting them online. Using a student’s personal info, another student pretends to be that student and sends nasty s to others
Effects of Cyberbullying Victims may feel depressed, scared, and stressed. Victims may become paranoid and think everyone is out to get them. Victims may lose the ability to concentrate at school and grades may fall.
More Serious Effects of Cyberbullying In some instances violence and/or suicide has been the result of cyberbullying.
How Can I Protect Myself? Don’t post personal information online. Avoid escalating the situation. Don’t respond to harassment. Document cyberbullying. Save electornic versions and also print it out. Report cyberbullying to your parents, school officials and/or law enforcement.
Follow These Rules! Stop! – Calm down, don’t respond. Block! – Block the bully and/or limit communications to people on your buddy list. And Tell! – Tell a trusted adult, (a teacher, parent or law enforcement official). You can also report cyberbullying to
Our Rules - No Cyberbullying!!! Cyberbullying is not allowed at school or at home!
Take a Stand! With your help we can reduce cyberbullying in ADAIR COUNTY.
For More Info On Cyberbullying