Hopewell Baptist Church New Kent, Virginia Pastor Greg Pulling
Indicators that your church needs revitalization Only 37 people in attendance
What does a revitalized church look like? People are getting saved Kids are everywhere Testimonies are being heard Excitement, Holy Spirit moving, waiting to see what’s going to happen next Volunteers in every ministry It’s real; not polished or fake New people hurting attending all the time (God brings you these people) A true community and fellowship taking place (not clicks and social groups, whole church hangs out, participates in events)
Necessary steps to church revitalization Preach the WORD Use practical everyday examples Be relevant Use humor, (again be real, let the Holy Spirit move and convict people, not you) Use context, history, background, when preaching and teaching the scriptures, (we live in a time where people question everything and want to dig deeper) Pastors be one with the people, it’s dangerous, but fruitful, people will follow who they trust and see as the same as themselves
Necessary steps to church revitalization continued Staff with Vision We hired a youth Pastor when we had no youth must have same vision as Pastor period (non negotiable) Qualified Lay Leaders Pray for these to come Look for them Invest in them Put them in the right ministries that match their gifts They Must Support Pastor and Vision of Church Period
Necessary steps to church revitalization continued Do Real Ministry (don’t just talk about and plan it) Fellowship meals (first Sunday communion and fellowship meal is huge event for us) Block parties Trunk or treat Chili and desert cook offs Fishing tournaments Homerun Derby Hunter breakfasts Skeet shoots Board game nights Church softball team in regular league ( aka beer league ) Door to Door Ministry ( Jerry Falwell Outreach bag ministry) this is our most fruitful outreach
Simply be a presence in your community, Go outside the four walls of the church