Drinks and Variety History of Drinks Productions Packaging and Distribution Statistics
History of Drinks In the year 1810 the first patent for soft drink was done by Samuel Fahnestock In the year 1835 was when the first bottled soda was created in America. The first drink was made 1851which was Ginger Ale. In the early 1920 vending machines became popular choice for people getting drinks more conveniently and easily.
History of Drinks In the 1920 the U.S sense reported a total of 5,000 bottles existed currently as the demand for drinks increased. In 1952 the first diet drink was made public which was Gingival Drink. The very first diet cola that was sold was in 1959 But in the year 1934 companies such as the Coca Cola Company started adding graphic designs to their products to make them more appealing to the customer. This would later turn out to be great marketing strategy for the company. In the year 1966 the American bottle association changed their name to the National Soft Drink Associaton.
History of Drinks Soft drinks can be traced back to their original origin of mineral water found in natural springs. People thought that these natural springs had magical healing powers. Scientist soon discovered that carbonium or carbon dioxide was behind the bubbling of the mineral wells. The first marked soft drink was done in 17 th centuary. In Paris the drink of choice was lemmonade which was made by sugar and honey and water, it would give thirsty people something to enjoy. In America over 1,500 U.S. patients exist either cork bottles or can or glass bottles all of which were designed to hold your favorite drinks in them.
History of Drinks Caleb Bradham of North Carolina was pharmacist. He had his own drug store and would give out refreshing drinks to his customers. One drink that he made was called “Brads Drink” which was combination of cola nuts, oils, sugar, vanilla, and species. This drink later became called Pepsi. In the year 1931 the company was sold to Loft Candy Company, Guth struggled with his company and many times thought about selling his company. The Coca-Cola company refused to buy his company
Productions Cold Drink's Soft drinks made by some simple steps at the factory. One step is starting with pure water and then after that the company will usually pick which flavor they are running short on. So after that they add the flavor and the bubbles and they add the liquid into the bottle. When they add the bubbles they add the syrup and this is coming from extracts from plants and oils.
Productions Alcoholic drinks The production of alcoholic drinks occurs best in the absence of oxygen. For drinks to contain higher amounts of alcohol in them they must be fermented longer. This would include: vodka, scotch, and whiskey. Many soft drinks are made in local bottling companies. So this means that the drink is already made but it get shipped to the bottling plant and from their the drink is put into the bottle and then travels over x amount of distance to local places that sell it. When the drinks are traveling from the store to the bottling plant they are kept in tight containers so to keep the fizz from escaping. After each tank has emptied comes the process of sterilizing and cleaning to kill bacteria.
Productions Hot Beverage: Hot beverages include things such as coffee, tea, hot chocolate and hot sider. Hot beverages are usually always coming from some extract of plant or bean. For coffee the bean is popular do to ancient times in Middle East and Europe. It was valued as good because of keeping you awake. Tea was popular because it was easy more simple you just needed plant and to take the leaves and brew them in hot water.
Productions Many hot drinks have lots of history such as alcoholic drinks they all started when their was not lots of things to drink on the earth. One myth about coffee was about farmer who kept losing his sheep and because he was tired. He became curious as result of this bean and soon realized that he could stay awake for long hours and take care of his animals. However, many companies are making products very instant and you can make your drink easily. Tea was popular because it was used as medicine for minor problems such as stomach pain and minor pains.
Packaging and Distribution America remains the country that produces more soft drinks than any other country in the world. As result of this America send lots of drinks to other countries. Other countries however have different health concerns, such as some countries that get drinks from America want the sugar and the fizz to be regulated and not be so strong.
Packaging and Distribution Cold Drink Distribution: Cold drinks are packaged as result of the syrup begin added and then begin taken to the bottling company to be pit into bottle. The drinks are rapped into tight boxes and placed into cool truck which takes them to were they need to go. Alcoholic Drink Distribution: is basically the same way but the only difference is beer goes bad if it is not kept cool and the flavor dismisses slowly. Local liquor and groceries stories have records in which they communicate back and fourth with the production companies when they are low on product.
Packaging and Distribution Hot beverages: People love drinking a hot drink or hot cup of tea on cold day. Distribution and packaging of them is little tricky. For example coffee is regulated by when it comes to America from Colombia to make sure it real and not fake coffee and to make sure there is no drugs hidden in them. For tea it has to be rapped very carefully so to avoid damages and for the tea bags to stay together. As result tea and coffee tend to be little more expensive.
Cold Drink: America currently has very high statistic rate in the number of cold drinks that they sell. The result of this is because America is the birth place of the drink, so it make sense. Statistics
Alcoholic drinks: Also tend to be high in America for the simple fact that it not illegal. But t is regulated greatly by the state. The state monitors the number and percentage of alcoholic drinks that go from one city to another, to avoid illegal selling and people not paying tax on them.
Statistics Even though water is the best drink in the world but still there is great deal of enjoyment in other drinks.