European Year 2012 of Active Ageing & Solidarity between Generations 28 February 2012
Hampshire County Council’s adult and community learning service Delivers learning to develop skills and promote well-being Works in partnership with learning providers eg council departments/services schools libraries children’s centres voluntary and community organisations Hampshire Learning
Hampshire Learning’s adult and community learning service supports Hampshire County Council’s commitment to deliver quality services and the Council’s priorities: Hampshire safer and more secure for all Maximising wellbeing Enhancing our quality of place
The Computer Learning Centre project About Age Concern Hampshire Project aims
Basic computing Word processing Internet services Access to information and advice eg Care choice; BettertimeCare choiceBettertime s Skype Genealogy Digital Photography 1:1 sessions offer
Quality Ofsted inspection Hampshire Learning - Quality Framework Individually tailored work plans Weekly progression recording Evaluation questionnaires
Volunteers People can develop a sense of self worth, optimism and ambition; acquire totally new skills or diversify skills which employers see as extremely valuable Meet new people and engage more in local society leading to a sense of reward and achievement
Next steps for this project more sheltered accommodation venues awaiting start date expansion into rural areas more library venues ICT home support / aftercare service
Keep-fit for the young at heart Computers for the Terrified Silver Surfers (includes mobile technology) Digital photography Reminiscence workshops Genealogy Variety of intergenerational projects through local schools and community groups offering Literacy and Numeracy; Tea dances; Gardening; ICT; Art and Crafts; Games; History; Reading group Other specific older learner projects include…
Contact details Sue Muldowney Quality and Curriculum Development Officer Hampshire Learning Children's Services Hampshire County Council The Castle, Winchester Hampshire SO23 8UG Direct Line: Mobile: