Form-Based Codes 101 Form-Based Codes Committee City of South Burlington July 12, 2012
Priorities & Possibilities Walkable Reduce current grid of car-dependent sprawl by presenting the streets as a destination in themselves Mixed-Use Daily and civic needs within proximity to each other (office, retail, grocery) Compact Preservation of natural and scenic areas while developing urban areas for density Diverse Mixed housing and non-residential options invite diversity of incomes, ages, and demographics
Function Follows Form – The What & Why Emphasis on buildings, facades, street composition, dimensions Specify building massing, height, and relation to street and public spaces & street and sidewalk widths Emphasize mixed uses Regulatory focus on form, instead of density & use Prescriptive not proscriptive Primarily works to define and create a “place” Enables more fine-grained placemaking (transect) Greater attention to streetscape, public realm & role of individual buildings in shaping public realm More predictability for both the public, land owners, and developers Concise, organized, and written for non-planners to understand Up-front public participation during code creation limits the need for discretionary review
Key Components Regulating Plan Designates key locations or “zones” where different building form standards apply Zones often based on the Transect Definitions/ Glossary Annotated glossary to make specific language clear and accessible to public Public Space/ Street Standards Design specifications for elements within the public realm (streets, landscaping, parks) Building Form Standards Controls building placement, orientation, features & functions such as height, massing, setbacks, parking, and the use of buildings Architectural Standards (optional) Standards and guidelines controlling external architectural materials and quality
Land Use Continuum/ Spectrum: Introducing the Transect Urban to rural transect or cross section Natural science- to planning: draws a cross section through different habitats to better understand their relationships on a spectrum/ continuum Used to better understand where different uses and building types fit well in relation to their context Allows for a common understanding that relates development characteristics to places within the urban fabric Establishes a common language that allows developers, planners, and residents to comprehend the context for different uses and building types
Sustainability & Quality of Life Urban agriculture & community gardens Green roofs Alternative energy sollutions Natural infiltration Rain gardens Green streets Flow-through planters
FBC Implementation 1. Existing conditions analysis and inventory 2. Public visioning/ charrette 3. Regulating Plan and zones 4. Develop urban standards (streets, blocks, building placement, height, land use, etc.) 5. Develop architectural standards (building or frontage typologies, etc.) 6. Illustrate standards
Additional Resources available at Sample communities’ codes Annotated web resources South Burlington initial draft code South Burlington consultant presentations Committee information