DLCC 2007 Conference March 2007 Language and Culture at a Distance
The men and women of our armed forces are the nation’s most important strategic resource. Only a force of dedicated, well- educated, and highly trained men and women capable of leveraging new ideas will succeed in the complex fast-paced environment of future military operations. OPMEP Chairman’s Vision
Hours and Schedule Break Locations "The Facilities" Refreshments and Meals Telephone Calls Computer Access Fire Exits Smoking Areas Administrative Points
Tuesday Agenda TimeTopicSpeaker WelcomeMr. Tom Hazard Admin Remarks & Agenda ReviewDr. Ken Pisel, DLCC Chair The Importance of Language and Cultural Competency in the Modern Strategic Environment CAPT Tim Doorey Break Language and Cultural CompetenceProf. Brian Selmeski Language and Cultural Competence – the DOD Vision Iris Bulls Lunch Developing Learning Technologies and The Learning of Language & Cultural Competence Skills Mr. Doug Nelson ADL Virtual Language Technology CenterDonald A. Philpitt Break JKDDCCOL Katherine Kasun, USAR Language & Culture: Distributed Training and Education Programs in SOCOM LTC Jack Donnelly Wrap-up First DayKen Pisel
Wednesday Agenda TimeTopicSpeaker Language & Culture: Distributed Training and Education Programs in the Marine Corps Jeff Bearor Language & Culture: Distributed Training and Education Programs in the Navy CDR Keith Burgess Break Language & Culture: Distributed Training and Education Programs in the Army Chris Dearing Language & Culture: Distributed Training and Education Programs in the Air Force Col Dave Harwood, USAF (ret) Realm of the Possible – What Vendors are doing today with DL to support DOD Dr. Jeff Harrington Lunch Realm of the Possible – 2Santosh Abraham & John Gibbs Realm of the Possible – 3W. Lewis Johnson Break Realm of the Possible – 4Karen Lockaby Facilitated Discussion: Future Solutions for Meeting DOD’s Requirements Panel of vendors Wrap-up, Assign Action Items, Adjournment Ken Pisel
Thursday Agenda TimeTopicSpeaker Arrival Opening Remarks & Agenda review Ken Pisel Lead-agent Service lesson formats and outlinesIndividual updates and general discussion Break Business rules review (ISD & SE JPME break-out groups) Ken Pisel, Angela Lindsey, & John Lipps Lunch CAC access issue & FOUO content in DL Ken Pisel OPMEP review Ken Pisel Break Business rules review – Break-out groups report achievements Ken Pisel, Angela Lindsey, & John Lipps JKDDC conduit to JPMEDr. Jerry West, JKDDC General Business – action items, next conference topic, next meeting, etc. Ken Pisel
What do we hope to accomplish?
The only thing harder than getting a new idea into the military mind is getting an old one out. B.H. Liddell Hart
Think outside of the proverbial box
Connect all 9 dots using 4 lines, without lifting the pencil off the paper.