Watlington Traffic Study TPP Presentation 24/11/2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Watlington Traffic Study TPP Presentation 24/11/2014

Study brief Analyse what the traffic issues are currently; Without any additional development in Watlington itself, determine what the anticipated rise in traffic volumes generally in the region would mean for Watlington's roads; Assess which areas of Watlington would be better for development (without any additional road infrastructure) to minimise additional traffic flows within the town; If you could facilitate a relief road with new housing development, determine which roads it would be best to connect with; Establish how through traffic could be deterred, whilst still encouraging destination traffic which supports Watlington’s shops and business community

Our approach to the traffic study Comprehensive traffic surveys were undertaken in September A site visit was undertaken on Thursday 18th September A pragmatic approach to this study based on the data, our knowledge of the town and professional judgement of the transport issues. Supported by the extensive local knowledge of members of the NPCC.

Structure of presentation Site visit observations Traffic surveys Future background traffic growth Potential relief road Options for improving traffic Summary and conclusions

Site visit observations B4009 Shirburn Street Shirburn Street / Hill Road / Couching Street / High Street Priority Junction B4009 Couching Street Couching Street / Brook Street Priority Junction B480 Brook Street Other routes: Hill Road, High Street, Pyrton Lane

Traffic surveys Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) survey Indication of the level of through-traffic by cars and HGVs on a typical weekday. A cordon was identified and ANPR was set up at four locations: –B4009 Shirburn Road –B480 Howe Road –B4009 Britwell Road –B480 Cuxham Road

Traffic surveys Manual counts –Link counts for Hill Road and Pyrton Lane –Turning movements on Pyrton Lane between B4009 and B480 –Turning movements at the Couching Street / Brook Street priority junction Automatic Traffic Counters Installed near the ANPR cameras to confirm the traffic flows on the ANPR survey day were not atypical.

Summary of traffic surveys The ATCs confirmed the traffic flows on the ANPR survey day were not atypical. Average weekday 24-hour traffic flow: Approximately 22,500 vehicles pass the four main cordon points (ATCs). Total ANPR traffic flow: –1,890 in the AM peak (7.0% HGVs) –2,061 vehicles in the PM peak (2.6% HGVs) Approximately 85% were “matched” which gives an indication of through-traffic. Shirburn Road accounts for a large proportion of the through-traffic, in the region of 40% to 50%.

“Matched” vehicle movements to/from Shirburn Road, AM Peak Note: 22 U-turning movements not shown

Summary of traffic surveys Approximate average journey times: North - South 3 mins 5 mins in AM peak East – West 2.5 mins 4 mins in AM peak

Summary of traffic surveys Couching Street / Brook Street priority junction PICADY analysis –Theoretically be operating within capacity. –Confirms observation that queueing was caused by the on-street parking on Couching Street. Pyrton Lane used as a “rat- run” especially in the AM peak

Future background traffic growth TEMPRO (Trip End Model Presentation Program) database Without any development, between 2014 and % to 8% increase in background traffic depending on the time period. Inter-peak and weekends are expected to experience more growth than during the weekday peak times. Junction analysis for

Potential relief road Most HGVs travel between Shirburn Road and Howe Road or Britwell Road Link between Shirburn Road and Britwell Road could be provided Pyrton Lane could be improved and used as an alternative HGV route Pyrton Lane could also provide access to schools

Options for improving traffic Discourage HGV through movements –Signage –Physical measures to restrict HGV access –Enforcement of 7.5 tonne weight restriction zone Public realm improvements –Short-term –Medium-term –Long-term

Discourage HGV through movements Signage –7.5t weight restriction signs on the M40 before Junction 6. –Consistency in signage at the M40 Junction 6 slip roads. –Removal of “M40” from the signs at the Couching Street / Brook Street junction. –Local access only signs. –Black lorry routeing signs.

Discourage HGV through movements Physical measures to restrict HGV access –Width / height restrictions. –Lack of alternative routes available for HGVs at present. –Requirements for HGV access to serve Watlington. –Physical measures are not considered to be appropriate at Watlington at this time but an opportunity might exist in the future. Enforcement of 7.5 tonne weight restriction zone –Police checks need to be undertaken on a regular basis to encourage HGV drivers to change habits.

Public realm improvements Short-term measures Removal of on-street car parking. Realignment of kerb to ease left-turning manoeuvres from Couching Street to Brook Street.

Rearrangement of the "give-way to oncoming traffic" Road markings to improve the alignment and visibility for northbound traffic. Renewal of footways and kerb materials by the pinchpoint. Convert one or two of the on-street parking bays on High Street into loading bays. Public realm improvements Short-term measures

Reconfiguration of the Shirburn Street / Hill Road / Couching Street / High Street junction. Potentially involve installing traffic signals. Buildout on Shirburn Street. There is scope to provide an additional loading bay. Potential for implementing a 20mph zone. Public realm improvements Medium-term measures

Long-term aspiration for Watlington: to “reclaim” the town from the traffic. A “relief road” in the future would reduce traffic flows along Shirburn Street and Couching Street. Elements of the “shared space” concept could be applied to Watlington. Any changes to Watlington should be fit for purpose and recognise the constraints which Watlington faces. Acceptance for some HGVs which have to serve the town. Public realm improvements Long-term measures

Heart of Watlington could be considered to be along the High Street, between the War Memorial and the Town Hall. Demarcated by a different surface material. Carriageway could be raised to be the same level as the footways. Vehicles be made aware they are passing by the heart of the town - slow down and drive more carefully Depending on the car parking demand in the future, potential to remove yellow lines along the High Street. Further scope to implement other traffic management measures, e.g. a one-way system on Couching Street. Public realm improvements Long-term measures

Summary and conclusions High proportion of through-traffic and HGV movements. HGVs are mainly travelling between the M40 and Britwell Road or Howe Road. There is a potential to deliver effectively a “relief road”. Background traffic growth is expected to be between 6% and 8%. Traffic growth in the area is expected to intensify the existing congestion and air quality issues in the town. Measures to deter through-traffic have been examined. –Discourage HGVs through the town. –Short-term, medium-term and long-term public realm improvements.