Greek Mythology Jeopardy By Nathan And Liam
Names of Gods and Goddesses Realm or Domain SymbolPersonalityBonus
Names of Gods and Goddesses 100 Who is the king god in Greek mythology? Zeus
Names of Gods and Goddesses 200 Which god is the herald of the gods? Hermes
Names of Gods and Goddesses 300 Which goddess is Apollo’s twin? Artemis
Names of Gods and Goddesses 400 Who is the smith of the gods? Hephaestus
Names of Gods and Goddesses 500 Who are Zeus’s older brothers? Poseidon Hades
Realm or Domain 100 Aphrodite is the goddess of what? Love
Realm or Domain 200 Persephone is the goddess of what? Spring
Realm or Domain 300 What is Athena’s main domain? Wisdom
Realm or Domain 400 Apollo and Artemis are twins. What are they the god and goddess of? Light, music, and reason for Apollo The Hunt for ArtemisHunt
Realm or Domain 500 Who is the god that makes something you can drink, (not underage) and what is his domain? Dionysus The god of winewine
Symbol 100 What are the symbols of Ares? Armor Dagger
Symbol 200 The goddess of the hunt is Artemis. What is her symbol? Bow and ArrowsArrows
Symbol 300 What is Aphrodite’s symbol? Rose
Symbol 400 The goddess of wisdom has her symbol on her shoulder. What is it? Owl
Symbol 500 Hestia and Demeter are sisters. What are their symbols? Hearth Shaft of WheatWheat
Personality 100 Which goddess is constantly getting very jealous of Zeus’s wives? Hera
Personality 200 Which god is known to be very gloomy, and prefers to stay in his world? Hades
Personality 300 Who is the merriest god of all Olympians? Hermes
Personality 400 Which Olympian god, sometimes known as the Earthshaker, is a moody and violent god? Poseidon
Personality 500 Who is the gentlest of all the Olympian gods, and always stays on Olympus? Hestia
Bonus 100 In what myth was a cow being guarded by Argus, and what was its name? Hera’s myth Io
Bonus 200 What centaur was a son of Cronus, and who raised many heroes? Chiron
Bonus 300 Calliope, the Muse of Epics, had a mortal son. What was his name? Orpheus
Bonus 400 The god of nature is Pan. Who was his father? Hermes
Bonus 500 Gentle Dawn, the mother of the four winds, is who? Eos