Family Times Daily Questions Prior Knowledge Compare and Contrast Vocabulary Suffixes Preview and Predict Guided Comprehension Drawing Conclusions Author's Craft Independent Readers Jimmy Jet and His TV Set Additional Resources
Study Skills Genre: Myth Vocabulary Strategy: Word Structure Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast Comprehension Strategy: Answer Questions
Question of the Week How can we learn from the results of our actions? Daily Questions Why do you think gold was so valuable to King Midas? How do you think King Midas will live his life differently after cleansing himself of the golden touch. What is the lesson in this poem?
MythsMyths Supernatural characters and events Spread by word of mouth Explain something about nature Activate Prior Knowledge
Compare and Contrast Writers sometimes use comparison and contrast to organize their writing. Clue words such as same, also, before, although, and however signal comparisons and contrasts. Good readers notice the author’s comparisons and contrasts and make their own as they read. AdvantagesDisadvantages
Answer Questions Good readers know where to find the answers to questions about what they read. To answer questions about what they read. To answer questions about comparisons and contrasts, look for clue words and use your prior knowledge. You may find an answer in just one sentence. Other times you will find it in several different places.
Write 1.Read “Lucky Winners?” List the advantages and disadvantage of winning the lottery in a graphic organizer like the one above. 2.Use your graphic organizer to help you describe how you might feel if you won the lottery.
Vocabulary List Adorn Cleanse Lifeless Precious Realm Spoonful Introduce Lesson Vocabulary Which vocabulary words go with the following clues? Which word describes something you might do to your home for a holiday celebration? Which word is an antonym for lively? Which word describes an amount of medicine you might take?
Adorn To add beauty to; put ornaments on; decorate
Cleanse To make clean
Lifeless Without life
Precious Having great value; worth much
Realm Kingdom
Spoonful As much as a spoon can hold
More Words to Know Bequeath: to give or leave by means of a will when a person dies. Exquisite: very lovely; delicate Inconvenience: something inconvenient; a cause of trouble, difficulty, or bother
Practice Lesson Vocabulary Yes or no Is a realm a place where people might live? Would you adorn a gift box with a bow? Is plastic a precious material? Is a spoonful of salt greater than a pinch of salt? Is a tree lifeless? Would a sponge help you cleanse something?
Vocabulary Strategy Suffixes: -less, -ful A suffix is a word part added to the end of a base word that changes the base word’s meaning. Sometimes the spelling of the base word also changes when a suffix is added. Knowing the meaning of a suffix can help you figure out the meaning of a word. 1.Look at an unfamiliar word to see if it has a base word you know. 2.Check to see if the suffix –less or –ful has been added. 3.Decide how it changes the base word’s meaning. The suffix –less can mean “without,” as in harmless. The suffix –ful can mean “the amount that will fill,” as in handful. 4.Try this meaning in the sentence to see if it makes sense. As you read “Hospital for Wild Animals,” look for words with the suffix –less or -ful. Use the suffixes to help you figure out the meanings of the words.
Genre: Myths Myths are tales handed down by word of mouth for generations. They tell about nature and human behavior. As you read, notice that the author points out how the king’s behavior leads to tragedy.
Will the King get his wish?
Preview and Predict Preview the story title and illustrations. Recall hearing about King Midas or “the golden touch,” and have them use this knowledge to predict what will happen in the story. Use your selection vocabulary words as you discuss your predictions.
Guided Comprehension On p. 680, paragraph 4, the roses are described as having exquisite colors. Which word provides a synonym as a clue for the meaning of exquisite? Explain. What is the main difference King Midas notes between himself and the old man? What part of p. 683 could be true in real life? What part could not? Explain. Why and how does the mysterious stranger come to Midas in his dungeon chamber? Why do you think the visitor cautions Midas by saying, “Think carefully, my friend”? When does King Midas realize his wish has been granted? How did you find the answer to this question? Based on similar stories you’ve read where a wish is granted, what do you think will happen to Midas now that his wish has come true? Why do you think the visitor cautions Midas by saying, “Think carefully, my friend”? When does King Midas realize his wish has been granted? How did you find the answer to this question?
Guided Comprehension Continued Based on similar stories you’ve read where a wish is granted, what do you think will happen to Midas now that his wish has come true? Draw conclusions about why the king is in a rush on pp How does the illustration reflect what has happened so far in the story? How does it hint at what may yet happen? How are Aurelia’s feelings about the golden roses different from what King Midas expected? How do you think King Midas will end up feeling about his wish? Give reasons for your answer. What causes the king to grumble and wring his hands? Name the base word and suffix in the word lifeless. How does the suffix change the meaning of the base word?
Guided Comprehension Continued Compare and contrast King Midas’s feelings about his wish on p. 693 with how he felt before. What lesson has the king learned from this experience? King Midas cleanses himself in the spring to get rid of the golden touch. In what other sense does he cleanse himself? How do the feelings of King Midas change from the beginning to the end of this story? Have you ever learned a lesson similar to the lesson of King Midas – that there are more important things than money? Explain.
Drawing Conclusions A conclusion is a decision or opinion that makes sense after thinking about the facts and details. “The mysterious stranger appears suddenly in the locked chamber, his figure glows, and he now looks like a young man, so he must be a magical creature of some sort. He says he wants to reward Midas for his kindness and asks what the King wants. I think he is going to grant Midas a wish.” Which conclusion is best supported by information in the first paragraph? 1.Midas is hiding in the dungeon. 2.Midas visits prisoners being kept in the dungeon. 3.Midas stores gold in the dungeon.
Drawing Conclusions Continued You should find details in the story to support conclusions they draw about characters or events. “When I read the text and study the picture on pp , I conclude that Midas is in a hurry to go outside and use his golden touch, possibly in the garden.” Which conclusion is best supported by the illustration p ? 1.The king lives in an extravagant palace. 2.The king likes to run down the stairs. 3.The king is a greedy person.
Author’s Craft An author is the writer of any piece of literature. An author is not one of the characters in a story, but creates the character, even if the story is told in the first person (using the pronoun I). Authors choose what they will write, how they will describe the characters, and how long the story will be. Authors of folk or fairy tales can take old stories recorded long ago and rewite them using new words. Explain how the author lets the reader know how King Midas feels about gold. Write a paragraph that explains how the author lets the reader know about how King Midas feels about his daughter. Give several examples of what the King both says and does.
SUMMARY This story follows the members of a family as they leave their farm and join other gold diggers on the California Trail heading off in search of a new life in the West. After surviving the long trek, many hardships, and the disappointment of finding very few nuggets in several mining towns, the family finally settles in San Francisco, where Pa starts a successful construction business. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS PAGES 5–6 How was Josh’s response to the news of the family’s move similar to Susannah’s response? How was it different? PAGE 11 Why was Susannah more bored than Josh during the trip? PAGE 19 How did the families help each other cross the Sierra Nevada? PAGE 22 Pa had a smile on his face after learning that Pleasant Valley had been mined out, but Weaverville still had gold. What does that reveal about his character?
SUMMARY Since its discovery 5000 years ago, gold has been considered precious. The ancient Greeks and Romans used gold to confer status and beauty, as well as to express love. The Inca considered gold “sweat from the sun,” while the Aztecs used gold to honor their gods. Today, most of the world’s gold is mined in South Africa, and it is still considered precious. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS PAGE 7 Look at the use of the phrase “the Midas touch.” Use this phrase in a sentence of your own. PAGES 10 AND 14 How did the use of gold in ancient Rome differ from its use among the Aztecs? PAGES 14 AND 16 What can you infer about the Spanish soldiers and their relation to the Aztecs and the Inca? PAGE 20 Give one possible reason that gold production has grown in the last twenty-five years.
SUMMARY This nonfiction selection explores the history of salt, silk, gold, diamonds, and oil. Obtaining and trading such precious goods has had both good and bad consequences, such as spreading ideas across cultures and starting wars. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS PAGE 3 What is one common factor that makes salt, silk, gold, diamonds, and oil precious? PAGES 10–11 What was one good result of the silk trade? PAGES 9 AND 18 How is the history of silk similar to the history of diamonds? PAGE 21 What do you think will happen if most countries continue to meet their energy needs with oil?
Genre: Poetry A poem is a composition arranged in lines. Some poems have rhyme. Some poems are written in the voice of a first person narrator who tells the reader a story. Sometimes this story is humorous and fantastic. Look at the drawings and ask yourself: “What clues tell me this poem will be funny and fantastic?” What do you think this poem is about?
I’ll tell you the story of Jimmy Jet- And you know what I tell you is true. He loved to watch his TV set Almost as much as you. He watched all day, he watched all night Till he grew pale and lean, From “The Early Show” to “The Late Late Show” And all the shows between. He watched till his eyes were frozen wide, And his bottom grew into his chair. And his chin turned into a tuning dial, And antennae grew out of his hair. And his brains turned into TV tubes, And his face to a TV screen. And two knobs saying “VERT.” and “HORIZ.” Grew where his ears had been. And he grew a plug that looked like a tail So we plugged in little Jim. And now instead of him watching TV We all sit around and watch him.
Do you know people who overdo one activity?
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