Intelligent Systems TC Background on the “Roadmap for Intelligent Systems in Aerospace” Presented at the Intelligent Systems Roadmap Workshop Chris Tschan.


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Presentation transcript:

Intelligent Systems TC Background on the “Roadmap for Intelligent Systems in Aerospace” Presented at the Intelligent Systems Roadmap Workshop Chris Tschan Elad Kivelevitch Adnan Yucel August 8, 2014

Intelligent Systems TC The Good – Improving Library of Intellectual and Guidance Docs 2

Intelligent Systems TC The Bad & the Ugly – Mass Media Spin on Automation/Autonomy 3

Intelligent Systems TC Who’s Heard of the DARPA Robotics Challenge? After two days of competition, DARPA selected eight teams to receive up to $1 million in funding to continue their work. The scores, out of a total of 32 points, were: 1.27 points: SCHAFT (SCHAFT, Inc., Tokyo, Japan) 2.20 points: IHMC Robotics (Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, Pensacola, Fla.) 3.18 points: Tartan Rescue (Carnegie Mellon University, National Robotics Engineering Center, Pittsburgh, Pa.) 4.16 points: Team MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Boston, Mass.) 5.14 points: RoboSimian (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Los Angeles, Calif.) 6.11 points: Team TRACLabs (TRACLabs, Inc., Webster, Tex.) 7.11 points: WPI Robotics Engineering C-Squad (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass.) 8.9 points: Team Trooper (Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories, Cherry Hill, N.J.) 4

Intelligent Systems TC What Happened to the DARPA Robotics Challenge Winner? bought-by-google-darpa-robotics-challenge-winner Who Is SCHAFT, the Robot Company Bought by Google and Winner of the DRC? By Erico Guizzo and Evan Ackerman Posted 6 Feb 2014 | 17:22 GMT The DARPA Robotics Challenge held its inaugural competition last December, and by most accounts (including ours), it was a success. … Overall, it was a big win for DARPA and for robotics as a whole, but without question, the biggest winner of all was SCHAFT, the Japanese company that utterly dominated the competition and that had been acquired by Google just months earlier. SCHAFT put on a nearly flawless performance, ending at the top spot with the most points and, we guess, leaving Andy Rubin (the Google executive leading its robotics program) with a big smile on his face. It also left many observers curious to learn more about the company, its origins, and its robot. So who is SCHAFT?DARPA Robotics Challengeincluding ourshad been acquired by Google just months earlierthe Google executive leading its robotics program According to a story in Popular Science, Google is supposedly planning to withdraw SCHAFT from the DRC Finals. The reasons were unclear, but apparently Google wants to avoid financial ties to DARPA and the U.S. militarystory in Popular Science 5

Intelligent Systems TC Is the DARPA Robotics Challenge Related to Intelligent Systems? 1.Why shouldn’t there be a corresponding DARPA Intelligent Systems Challenge? 2.Once you move into the realm of an event like a DARPA challenge, interest and support open up 3.Perhaps we want a diverse technology base for intelligent systems, with not all the winners being bought by Google 4.Where do ideas like having a DARPA Intelligent Systems Challenge come from? 6

Intelligent Systems TC Background on the Roadmap Roadmap Committee established about a year ago At 2013 Roadmap Committee Membership Ella Atkins Christine Belcastro David Casbeer Kelly Cohen Elad Kivelevitch Nhan Nguyen Corey Schumacher Chris Tschan Paul Zetocha Adnan Yucel 7

Intelligent Systems TC Motivation for a Roadmap Need to move the ball down the field The time is right for a breakthrough in intelligent systems Focuses ISTC on a central product that represents where we believe Intelligent Systems should/could be going Helps ISTC members understand and collaborate Gets AIAA leadership’s attention Help larger AIAA membership understand what intelligent systems contribute Get attention outside of AIAA Focus resources for intelligent system development 8

Intelligent Systems TC Roadmap Committee Activities Discuss technology, formulate ideas Collaborate via technical backplane Organize thoughts Write vignettes Draft the roadmap Updates TC members at ISTC meetings Hold Intelligent Systems Roadmap Workshop About 4 months ago, shifted attention primarily to this workshop 9

Intelligent Systems TC Vision Areas to Covered in the Intelligent Systems Roadmap 1.Safety 2.Reduction of aerospace system platform costs 3.Reduction of aerospace system operating costs 4.Air traffic control and airspace management 5.Unmanned aerial vehicles uses in civilian applications 6.Space exploration, exploitation and colonization 7.Training 8.Academic research 9.Education 10

Intelligent Systems TC Breakout Sessions Autonomy Adaptive and Non-Deterministic Systems Applications - Air Traffic Management and UAS Integration 11

Intelligent Systems TC Topics to Address in the Breakout Sessions What are the Technical Challenges? What are the Research Gaps? How should we overcome roadblocks? What actions should be taken? 12

Intelligent Systems TC Summary We welcome your participation We need your intellectual DNA We need you to be focused…to help us succeed This workshop may become a recurring event Please enjoy the workshop and provide feedback on what we can do to improve it 13

Intelligent Systems TC Agenda - Intelligent Systems Roadmap Workshop Day Registration Opening Remark - Workshop Chair Plenary - Ms. Kris Kearns Intelligent Systems Roadmap Presentation Roadmap Background Introduction for Breakout Sessions Autonomy Adaptive and Non-Deterministic Systems Applications - Air Traffic Management and UAS Integration Coffee Break Breakout meetings - Vision for Intelligent Systems Lunch Plenary - Dr. Kevin Wise Breakout Sessions - Technical Challenges for Implementation Coffee Break Breakout meetings - Technical Approaches to Address Challenges/Roadblocks Closing Remark & Logistics for the next day Evening ISTC meeting 14

Intelligent Systems TC Agenda - Intelligent Systems Roadmap Workshop Day 2 · Plenary - Dr. Kalmanje Krishnakumar · Coffee Break · Discussion of Intelligent Systems Roadmap - "Where will Intelligent Systems be in 5, 10, 20 years?" · Workshop Summary and Closing Remark - Workshop Chair · Afternoon tour of Air Force MuseumAir Force Museum 15