2002 John Mylopoulos Thessaloniki -- 1 Artificial Intelligence: Trends and Opportunities John Mylopoulos University of Toronto SETN 2002, Thessaloniki April 11-12, 2002
2002 John Mylopoulos Thessaloniki -- 2 Three Great Opportunities Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) -- SE will turn to agent-orientation as surely as it turned to object-orientation 15 years ago; this flavour of SE will be founded on MAS research. The Semantic Web (SW) -- Technologies and methodologies for processing web data will be founded on theories of data semantics adopted from KR. Knowledge Discovery (KD) -- Given the vast amounts of data, there will be continuing demand for data mining aka knowledge discovery techniques.
2002 John Mylopoulos Thessaloniki We Don’t Want to Repeat the Mistakes of the Past! AI promised expert systems......but had no technologies nor methodologies for building them. What’s in a technology? A well-defined set of functions which can be offered through a scalable generic product e.g., relational DBMSs. What’s in a methodology? A well-defined set of fine grain steps for accomplishing some task e.g., UML and assorted methods.
2002 John Mylopoulos Thessaloniki -- 4 How do we GET THERE? Methodologies are the realm of SE; AOSE will come about by adopting concepts and research results from MAS and by turning them into AML cum assorted methods. Technologies for data are the realm of Databases; KD will come about thanks to scalable data mining techniques developed in Databases (of course, founded on KR concepts). Taming the SW challenge will require both scalable technologies and well defined, widely usable methodologies; both Databases and SE will need to contribute.