The application of Human Cloning 生科一 林惠甄 林怡君 鄭令欣
Human cloning Animal cloning The application in human Debatable problems
Animal cloning 1.Produce Medicines In The Milk 2. Genotransplantation 3. Greater Understanding Of The Development Of The Embryo And Of Ageing And Age-related Diseases
4. Cloned Cows Could Thward Bio- terror 5. Cloned Animal Will Put An End To Food Shortage
Application in human Therapeutic cloning Reproductive cloning
Therapeutic cloning Use the cloning theory to perform treatments Information : 2002, scientists in Korea
Reproductive cloning To reproduce a “ clone ” Information : Anitori, an Italian scientist The first “ clone ” was born in 2003
Human cloning arouse great dispute in the science realm. There still have lots of problem waiting to be solve …
The Bright Side of Human Cloning In Medical Usage It can help the infertile couples to have their own children It can be a method to cure the people who ’ s organs are defect Abortion----operation to terminate a pregnancy
The Dark Side of The human Cloning Healthy risks from mutation of genes Emotional risks Risk of use of technology