The 12C+12C fusion reaction: a new opportunity at ATLAS Xiaodong Tang 1 & Chenglie Jiang 2 1) Univ. of Notre Dame 2) ANL
T. Spillane, U. Conn. Ph.D. Thesis (2008) 1)How to extrapolate average cross section? 2)Are there any resonances around Gamow window? 3)What are the branchings? T 9 =0.8
Heating target to 700 °C for 30 min No ground state channels/ low eff. (1%)
Target Chamber Detector coincidence to veto cosmic rays Ω=0.19 sr
Sample ΔE-E Matrix d(12C,p)13C Total proton cross section E=3.5 MeV Only proton channel
Preliminary “High”-Energy Proton Data Good agreement between charged particle and gamma ray T 9 =0.8
Low Counting Rates Low points on the order of 0.5 counts per day Large amounts of beam time necessary Susceptible to background contamination Any contaminants in the target lighter than carbon may contribute
Possible experiments at ATLAS Helios experiment Particle gamma experiment
Large solid angle; Good particle ID (p, ); Good energy resolution; Kinematics curve.
Particle-gamma experiment Clear background; But, No ground state.
10 g/cm2, 10 p A, 1 pb 3 evt/day 100 pb 300 evt/day