UT Austin 1 Biao Lu 1 WIRELINE CHANNEL ESTIMATION AND EQUALIZATION Ph.D. Defense Biao Lu Embedded Signal Processing Laboratory The University of Texas at Austin Committee Members Prof. Brian L. Evans Prof. Alan C. Bovik Prof. Joydeep Ghosh Prof. Risto Miikkulainen Dr. Lloyd D. Clark
UT Austin 2 Biao Lu 2 OUTLINE Wireline channel equalization Wireline channel estimation Channel modeling Matrix pencil methods Contribution #1: modified matrix pencil methods for channel estimation Discrete multitone modulation Minimum mean squared error equalizer Contribution #2: matrix pencil equalizer Maximum shortening SNR equalizer Contribution #3: fast implementation »Divide-and-conquer methods »Heuristic search Summary and future research
UT Austin 3 Biao Lu 3 WIRELINE CHANNEL EQUALIZATION transmitterchannel equalizer detector noise + hc(n)hc(n) Wireline digital communication system Ideal channel frequency response Amplitude response A( f ) is constant Phase response ( f ) is linear in f Channel distortions Intersymbol interference (ISI) Additive noise
UT Austin 4 Biao Lu 4 COMBATTING ISI IN WIRELINE CHANNELS Channel equalizer response H eq ( f ) compensates for channel distortion Equalizers may compensate for Frequency distortion: e.g. ripples Nonlinear phase Long impulse response Channels may have Spectral nulls Nonlinear distortion, e.g. harmonic distortion Goal: Design time-domain equalizers Shorten channel impulse response Reduce intersymbol interference
UT Austin 5 Biao Lu 5 OUTLINE Wireline channel equalization Wireline channel estimation Channel modeling Matrix pencil methods Contribution #1: modified matrix pencil methods for channel estimation Discrete multitone modulation Minimum mean squared error equalizer Contribution #2: matrix pencil equalizer Maximum shortening SNR equalizer Contribution #3: fast implementation »Divide-and-conquer methods »Heuristic search Summary and future research
UT Austin 6 Biao Lu 6 WIRELINE CHANNEL ESTIMATION Problem: Given N samples of the received signal, estimate channel impulse response Training-based: transmitted signal known Blind: transmitted signal unknown Time-domain channel estimation methods Least-squares [Crozier, Falconer & Mahmoud, 1996] Singular value decomposition (SVD) [Barton & Tufts, 1989; Lindskog & Tidestav, 1999] Frequency-domain channel estimation Discrete Fourier transform [Tellambura, Parker & Barton, 1998; Chen & Mitra, 2000] Discrete cosine transform [Sang & Yeh 1993; Merched & Sayed, 2000]
UT Austin 7 Biao Lu 7 WIRELINE CHANNEL ESTIMATION Broadband channel impulse responses have long tails Model channel as infinite impulse response (IIR) filter Transfer function with K poles
UT Austin 8 Biao Lu 8 WIRELINE CHANNEL ESTIMATION All-pole portion of an IIR filter Problem: given a noisy observation of channel impulse response h(n) Estimate Least-squares method to compute {a i } from a i : complex amplitude Assuming no duplicate poles
UT Austin 9 Biao Lu 9 MATRIX PENCIL METHOD [Hua & Sarkar, 1990] Matrix pencil of matrices A and B is the set of all matrices A B, Noise-free case: N samples of h(n) L is the pencil parameter (K L N K) H, H 0 and H 1 are Hankel and low rank, where rank is K.
UT Austin 10 Biao Lu 10 MATRIX PENCIL METHOD [Hua & Sarkar, 1990] Noise-free data 1. Form matrices H, H 0 and H 1 2. Calculate C = H 0 † H 1 ( † is pseudoinverse) 3. K non-zero eigenvalues of C are Noisy data 1. Form matrices Y, Y 0 and Y 1 2. Calculate : rank-K SVD truncated pseudoinverse : rank-K SVD truncated approximation »v i and u i are left and right singular vectors » i is i th largest singular value 3. Calculate 4. K non-zero eigenvalues of C are
UT Austin 11 Biao Lu 11 LOW-RANK HANKEL APPROXIMATION Problem in noisy data case Noise destroys rank deficiency SVD truncation restores rank deficiency, but destroys Hankel structure Low-rank Hankel approximation (LRHA) [Cadzow, Sun & Xu, 1988] Replaces each matrix cross-diagonal with average of cross-diagonal elements Restores low rank after SVD truncation Iteratively apply SVD truncation and LRHA [Cadzow, Sun & Xu, 1988] Modified Kumaresan-Tufts method (MKT) uses LRHA instead of SVD truncation [Razavilar, Yi & Liu, 1996] Hankel low-rank Hankel low-rank SVD truncation LRHA Hankel approximately low-rank
UT Austin 12 Biao Lu 12 CONTRIBUTION #1: PROPOSED MATRIX PENCIL METHODS Modified MP methods 1 and 2 in dissertation Modified MP method 3 (MMP3) Maintain relationship between partitioned matrices SVD truncation steps 3-4 in MP method LRHA partition
UT Austin 13 Biao Lu 13 COMPUTER SIMULATION Channel [Al-Dhahir, Sayed & Cioffi, 1997] Zeros at and Poles at , , and Parameters for matrix pencil methods K = 3, N = 25, L = 17 Additive Gaussian noise with variance SNR varied from 0 to 30 dB at 2 dB steps 500 runs for each SNR value Performance measure
UT Austin 14 Biao Lu 14 COMPUTER SIMULATION Pole 1 at Pole 2 at Pole 3 at
UT Austin 15 Biao Lu 15 OUTLINE Wireline channel equalization Wireline channel estimation Channel modeling Matrix pencil methods Contribution #1: modified matrix pencil methods for channel estimation Discrete multitone modulation Minimum mean squared error equalizer Contribution #2: matrix pencil equalizer Maximum shortening SNR equalizer Contribution #3: fast implementation »Divide-and-conquer methods »Heuristic search Summary and future research
UT Austin 16 Biao Lu 16 MULTICARRIER MODULATION Divide frequency band into subchannels Each subchannel is ideally ISI free Based on fast Fourier transform (FFT) Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing Discrete multitone (DMT) modulation ADSL standards use DMT: ANSI 1.413, G.DMT and G.lite etc. Magnitude Frequency channel frequency response subchannel
UT Austin 17 Biao Lu 17 COMBAT ISI IN DMT SYSTEMS Add cyclic prefix (CP) to eliminate ISI Problem: Reduces throughput by factor of ADSL standards use time-domain equalizer (TEQ) to shorten effective channel to ( +1) samples Goal: TEQ design during ADSL initialization Low implementation complexity “Acceptable” performance CP samples i th symbol N samples (i+1) th symbol N samples samples
UT Austin 18 Biao Lu 18 MINIMUM MSE METHOD MMSE method [Falconer & Magee, 1973][Chow & Cioffi, 1992][Al-Dhahir & Cioffi, 1996] Constraints to avoid trivial solution Unit tap constraint: Unit norm constraint: ADSL parameters: L h = 512, N w = 21, = 32, L h + N w Computational cost for a candidate delay Inversion of N w N w matrix Eigenvalue decomposition of N w N w matrix (or power method) hw z - b
UT Austin 19 Biao Lu 19 CONTRIBUTION #2: MATRIX PENCIL TEQ From MMSE TEQ MMSE TEQ cancels poles Matrix pencil (MP) TEQ Estimate pole locations using a matrix pencil method on »Channel impulse response »Received signal — blind channel shortening Set TEQ zeros at pole locations
UT Austin 20 Biao Lu 20 MAXIMUM SHORTENING SNR METHOD Maximum shortening SNR (SSNR) method: minimize energy outside a window of ( +1) samples [Melsa, Younce & Rohrs, 1996] Simplify solution by constraining Computational cost at each candidate delay Inversion of N w N w matrix Cholesky decomposition of N w N w matrix Eigenvalue decomposition of N w N w matrix (or power method) hw
UT Austin 21 Biao Lu 21 MOTIVATION MMSE method minimizes MSE both inside and outside window of ( +1) samples For each , maximum SSNR method requires Multiplications: Additions: Divisions: Delay search MSE = with
UT Austin 22 Biao Lu 22 CONTRIBUTION #3: DIVIDE-AND-CONQUER TEQ Divide N w TEQ taps into (N w - 1) two-tap filters in cascade The i th two-tap filter is initialized as Unit tap constraint (UTC) Unit norm constraint (UNC) Calculate g i or i using a greedy approach Minimize : Divide-and-conquer TEQ minimization Minimize energy in h wall : Divide-and conquer TEQ cancellation Convolve two-tap filters to obtain TEQ
UT Austin 23 Biao Lu 23 CONTRIBUTION #3: DC-TEQ-MINIMIZATION (UTC) Objective function At i th iteration, minimize J i over g i Closed-form solution
UT Austin 24 Biao Lu 24 CONTRIBUTION #3: DC-TEQ-CANCELLATION (UTC) Objective function to cancel energy in h wall At i th iteration, minimize J i over g i Closed-form solution
UT Austin 25 Biao Lu 25 CONTRIBUTION #3: DC-TEQ-MINIMIZATION (UNC) Each two-tap filter At i th iteration, minimize J i over i Calculate i in the same way as g i for DC- TEQ-minimization (UTC)
UT Austin 26 Biao Lu 26 CONTRIBUTION #3: DC-TEQ-CANCELLATION (UNC) Each two-tap filter At i th iteration, minimize J i over i Closed-form solution
UT Austin 27 Biao Lu 27 COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY Computational complexity for each candidate for G.DMT ADSL L h = 512, = 32, N w = 21 Divide-and-conquer TEQ design methods vs. maximum SSNR method Reduce multiplications and additions by a factor of 2 or 3 Reduce divisions by a factor of 7 or 22 Reduce memory by a factor of 3 Avoids matrix inversion, and eigenvalue and Cholesky decompositions
UT Austin 28 Biao Lu 28 KNOWN CHANNEL Dedicated data channel Carrier-Serving-Area (CSA) ADSL channel 1
UT Austin 29 Biao Lu 29 UNKNOWN CHANNEL Dedicated data channel Carrier-Serving-Area (CSA) ADSL channel 1
UT Austin 30 Biao Lu 30 HEURISTIC SEARCH DELAY Estimate optimal delay before computing TEQ taps Computational cost for each Multiplications: Additions: Divisions: 1 Reduce computational complexity of TEQ design for ADSL by a factor of 500 over exhaustive search
UT Austin 31 Biao Lu 31 HEURISTIC SEARCH Maximum SSNR method for CSA DSL channel 1 DC-TEQ-cancellation (UTC) for CSA DSL channel 1
UT Austin 32 Biao Lu 32 SUMMARY Channel estimation by matrix pencil methods New methods to estimate channel poles by applying low-rank Hankel approximation to multiple matrices [Lu, Wei, Evans & Bovik, 1998] Time-domain equalizer channel shortening Matrix pencil TEQ [Lu, Clark, Arslan & Evans, 2000] »From known channel impulse response »From received signal: blind channel shortening Reduce computational cost [Lu, Clark, Arslan & Evans, 2000] »Divide-and-conquer TEQ minimization method »Divide-and-conquer TEQ cancellation method »Heuristic search for delay Other contributions: cascade two neural networks to form a channel equalizer [Lu & Evans, 1999] Multilayer perceptron to suppress noise Radial basis function network to equalize the channel
UT Austin 33 Biao Lu 33 FUTURE RESEARCH Discrete multitone systems Maximize channel capacity »Optimize channel capacity at TEQ output »Jointly optimize a TEQ with other blocks Frequency–domain equalizers TEQ to shorten time-varying channels »Fast and accurate channel estimation »Convert time-varying channels to additive white Gaussian noise channel Reduce computational complexity Fast training for neural networks Parallelize matrix pencil method
UT Austin 34 Biao Lu 34 ABBREVIATIONS ADSL: Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line CP: Cyclic Prefix CSA: Carrier-Serving Area DC: Divide-and-Conquer DMT: Discrete Multitone DSL Digital Subscriber Line FFT: Fast Fourier Transform IIR: Infinite Impulse Response ISI: Intersymbol Interference LRHA: Low-Rank Hankel Approximation MKT: Modified Kumaresan-Tufts MLP: Multilayer Perceptron MMP: Modified Matrix Pencil MMSE: Minimum Mean Squared Error MP: Matrix Pencil RBF: Radial Basis Function SNR: Signal-to-Noise Ratio SSNR: Shortening Signal-to-Noise Ratio SVD: Singular Value Decomposition TEQ: Time-domain Equalizer UNC: Unit Norm Constraint UTC: Unit Tap Constraint
UT Austin 35 Biao Lu 35 NEURAL NETWORK EQUALIZERS Equalization is a classification problem Feedforward neural network equalizers Multilayer perceptron (MLP) equalizer »Has to be trained several times »Reduces additive uncorrelated noise Radial basis function (RBF) equalizer »The number of hidden units increases exponentially with the number of inputs »Adapts to local patterns in data Cascade MLP and RBF networks Use MLP to suppress noise Use RBF to perform equalization
UT Austin 36 Biao Lu 36 PROBLEMS FROM NN EQUALIZER Computational cost: training NN takes time Number of symbols used in training [Mulgrew, 1996] where M : number of constellations L h : length of channel impulse response N in : number of neurons in the input layer e.g., M = 4, L h = 8, N in = 3 means that number of symbols = 1,048,576 Channel length is unknown Goals Estimate channel impulse response — L h can be known Shorten channel impulse response to be less than L h
UT Austin 37 Biao Lu 37 BACKUP INFORMATION Derivation from H ap (z) to h ap (n)
UT Austin 38 Biao Lu 38 KUMARESAN-TUFTS (KT) AND MODIFIED KT METHOD KT-method: noisy data 1. Form matrix 2. Solve 3. Form 4. Calculate zeros of B(z) 5. All the zeros outside unit circle gives Modified KT (MKT) method: apply LRHA to matrix A before step 2
UT Austin 39 Biao Lu 39 COMPARISON BETWEEN MMP3 AND MKT Common procedures Iterative LRHA SVD-truncated pseudoinverse MMP3 only Matrix partition Eigenvalue decomposition MKT only Solve equation
UT Austin 40 Biao Lu 40 CONTRIBUTION #1: PROPOSED MP METHODS Modified MP method 1 (MMP1) Noise may corrupt and to lose the connection partition Steps 3-4 in MP method LRHA SVD truncation LRHA SVD truncation
UT Austin 41 Biao Lu 41 CONTRIBUTION #1: PROPOSED MP METHODS Modified MP method 2 (MMP2) SVD truncation may destroy the connection between Y 0 and Y 1 SVD truncation Joint LRHA partition SVD truncation partition Step 3-4 in MP method
UT Austin 42 Biao Lu 42 COMPUTER SIMULATION Data model where K=2, N=25, L=17, A 1 = A 2 = 1 p i = -d i + j2 f i, i = 1, 2 where d 1 = 0.2 and d 2 = 0.1, f 1 = 0.42 and f 2 = 0.52 w(n) is complex zero-mean white Gaussian noise with variance 2 Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) SNR varied from 5 to 25 dB at 2 dB step 500 runs for each SNR value Performance measure
UT Austin 43 Biao Lu 43 ESTIMATION OF DAMPING FACTORS d 1 = 0.2 d 2 = 0.1
UT Austin 44 Biao Lu 44 ESTIMATION OF FREQUENCIES f 1 = 0.42 f 2 = 0.52
UT Austin 45 Biao Lu 45 PREVIOUS WORK Maximum channel capacity Based on geometric SNR »Nonlinear optimization techniques [Al-Dhahir & Cioffi, 1996, 1997] »Projection onto convex sets [Lashkarian & Kiaei, 1999] Based on model of signal, noise, ISI paths [Arslan, Evans & Kiaei, 2000] »Equivalent to maximum SSNR when input signal power distribution is constant over frequency
UT Austin 46 Biao Lu 46 COMPUTER SIMULATION Simulation parameters
UT Austin 47 Biao Lu 47 FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF A TRANSMISSION LINE Model as a RC circuit Characteristic impedance of the line RL C Z0Z0
UT Austin 48 Biao Lu 48 SSNR VS. DATA RATE CSA DSL channel 1 SSNR = 40 dB