4/15/2017 More Than Conquerors Text: Romans 8:37
Christians in 57 AD Confronted with political corruption. Confronted with moral corruption. Confronted with an entertainment driven society. Confronted false doctrines in the church. 4/15/2017 Did they feel that the world was winning? Were they fighting a battle against all odds? Odds are they did not feel much like conquerors.
Christians in 2013 AD Confronted with political corruption. Confronted with moral corruption. Confronted with an entertainment driven society. Confronted false doctrines in the church. 4/15/2017 Feel like the world is winning? Are we fighting a battle against all odds? Odds are we do not feel much like conquerors.
Context: Romans 7, Paul spoke of the time when he was under the Law. The Law which is holy, righteous and good identified sin. When Paul fell to the passions of the flesh he was enslaved to sin. Since the Law offered no help and no true means of forgiveness Paul looked to Christ (7:24) for liberation from sin. Romans 8, Paul begins the chapter by reminding us that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ, and he concludes it by saying there is no separation from God for those in Christ. Paul never says there is no tribulation for those in Christ. 4/15/2017
More Than Conquerors WE MUST HAVE BATTLES TO FIGHT AND TRIALS TO ENDURE TO BE CONQUERORS. The term conqueror implies one who has fought and overcome. To be conquerors we must fight battles and overcome trials. (James 1:2; 2 Tim. 3:12; 2 Cor. 11:23-28) Joseph illustrates that we must endure trials to conquer. (Gen. 37-50) 4/15/2017
More than Conquerors WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH DIVINE PROVIDENCE. Providence comes from the Latin meaning to foresee. God has the ability to know the end from the beginning (Isa. 46:10) and to act but in a way that accomplishes that plan. Provide is in the word providence. (Rom. 4:17; Gen. 15:1; Gen. 26:24. Esther is a wonderful example of God delivering by His providence. 4/15/2017
More Than Conquerors WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH HIM WHO LOVED US. We are more than conquerors through Christ. (Romans 8:36-37) With Christ we win Without Christ we lose Thus, we conquer when we see our need for the Lord in our lives. (2 Cor. 12:7-10) Gideon is a powerful example of one who conquered because of the Lord. (Judges 6) 4/15/2017
More Than Conquerors Romans 8:37—But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. Joseph illustrates that we must endure trials to overcome. Esther illustrates God’s providence delivers us. Gideon illustrates that we overcome through utter dependence upon God. Jesus is the ultimate conqueror and He defeated Satan by using God’s word. 4/15/2017
More Than Conquerors The next time that you feel like: The world is winning We are fighting a hopeless fight We are not able to overcome Remember: No one can separate us from the love of God. No outward enemy can rob you of victory. God’s love is too strong. God’s gifts are too great. No matter what your circumstances are in life you can succeed and yes CONQUER through a relationship with Christ. 4/15/2017
More Than Conquerors WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH OUR CONTINUED USE AND FAITH IN GOD’S WORD Jesus is the ultimate conqueror. (Rev. 3:21) Jesus defeated Satan and defeated him without sinning. (Heb. 4:15) When confronted with Satan Christ relied on the word of God. (Matt. 4:1-11) The word is living and powerful and our primary weapon today. (Eph. 6:17; Heb. 4:12) 4/15/2017