PACS 4500 Senior Seminar in Peace and Conflict Studies Guy Burgess Co-Director Conflict Information Consortium, University of Colorado UCB 580, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO , (303) Copyright © 2014 Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess
Required Certificate Completion Form
World Affairs Conference
World Affairs Conference No regular classes next Instead, attend 2 World Affairs sessions related to conflict topics and include a write-up with your reading reflections. Also, be prepared to talk about what you learned in class on April 15. Everyone will also be required to attend a small group discussion, half class to talk about your projects. I will send out a schedule.
WAC Week Mini-Classes Tuesday, April 7 12:30-12:55 Mackey, Kellie Carroll, Emma Fisher, Jamie Rose Ahlborg, Lily Ivker, Emily 12:55-1:20 Refai, Noor Gold, Aliza Borenstein, Alexander O Reilly, Sean Lynch, Shannon 1:20-1:45 Howe, Lorien Larsson, Anna May, Kelly Orozco, Arianna Palagi, Shaye Thursday, April 9 12:30-12:55 Roberts, Steven Wellens, Katherine Sembler, Courtney Gile, John Hart, Daniel 12:55-1:20 Monette, Jennae Wade, Charlotte Umphlett, Kathleen Willette, Brandy Cauchi, Tommy DePuy, Evan 1:20-1:45 Van Wagenen, Samantha Verdi, Kelsea Parks, Monique Panepento, Amanda Murillo, Summer Thompson, Charlotte
Passing the Civil Rights Act Gender Churches Dirkson Role of protests
Beyond Us vs Them
Strict Father / Nurturing Parent
Beyond the Invisible Fist A Very Large-Scale Strategy for Promoting More Constructive Forms of Competition and Conflict The Red, Blue, Gold Divide Guy Burgess & Heidi Burgess Co-Directors Conflict Information Consortium, University of Colorado UCB 580, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO , (303) , Copyright © 2014 Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess
Moral / Distributional Divide Are we the 1%? Are we “bridge people?” What are our responsibilities?
Red/Blue Cultural and Moral Divide
Red, Conservative Cultural Beliefs Dominant, mainstream culture Culturally homogeneous Respect for tradition Respect for authority Subordination of oneself within the larger community Moral clarity (clear sense of right and wrong) Pride and patriotism Willingness to defend the group
Blue, Liberal / Progressive “Misfit” coalition originally composed of people alienated from mainstream society Culturally diverse Moral relativism and tolerance of multiple cultures More individualistically focused More critical of society Distrustful of authority Focused on mutual assistance
Blue, Liberal / Progressive “Protected Class” Communities Social Safety Net Recipients Socially Liberal Struggling White Working Class Socially Conservative
A 2 nd Dimension: Distributional Divide
Gold / Purple Divide The “99 %” The “1%” The “1%” of the “1%”
The 1% vs. the 1% of the 1%
Gold / Purple Divide Predatory Capitalists Machiavellian Politicians Successful Competitors The Less Competitive, The Unlucky, The Lazy The Less Materialistic
Gold / Purple 1%Divide Darwin Mother Teresa Adam Smith
Gold / Purple 1% of 1% Divide Machiavelli Ayn Rand Herbert Spencer
Gold / Purple 1% of 1% Divide
Three Conflicts Invisible Hand: Culture/Moral
Three Conflicts Invisible Hand: Distributional
Three Conflicts Invisible Fist
Divide and Conquer $ $
Divide and Conquer on the Left $ $
Divide and Conquer on the Right $ $
Coexistence Imperative
Intervention Concept Papers
Key Concept Paper Elements Project Need Conflict problem to be mitigated Opportunity to be pursued Activities to be Undertaken By project team By others Required Skills Project Team Qualifications Work Plan Budget
Project Need Identification Worksheet
PROJECT BRAINSTORMING 1.Intolerable moral differences (requiring confrontation) 2.Tolerable moral differences (amenable to coexistence strategies) 3.Within ZOPA distributional conflict 4.Outside ZOPA distributional conflict 5.Status (pecking order) conflict 6.Identity conflict 7.Misunderstandings (well- intentioned) 8.Disinformation (deliberate) 9.Factual disagreements (well- intentioned) 10.Factual disagreements (deliberate) 11.Rightable wrongs 12.Unrightable wrongs 13.Escalation (beyond hate threshold) 14.Escalation (beyond violence threshold) 15.Missing negotiation channels 16.Missing positive vision 17.Kludgeocracy 18.Machiavellian tyrant 19.Inequitable power distribution 20.Polarization 21.Cultural acceptance of violence 22.Disrepect and humiliation 23.Others???