Prelude to Exploration In a race to conquer the world, which European country be in the lead by 1700?
Remember Europe’s Problems?
Lack of education Disease Warfare Food Agriculture Population
Problems Solved Plague – eventually the virus dies out - Europe learned a lot about how and why disease spread because of the plague - Beginnings of progress in European medicine Constant Warfare – actually unifies European countries - Kings centralize their power – everyone now answers directly to the king. - Black powder (early gun powder) gets to Europe from China because of Mongol Empire - Black powder + metal = cannons and guns - King creates standing armies directly loyal to him - Beginning of nationalism – loyalty to one’s country, the desire to make one’s country better
Problems Solved Renaissance – “Re-Birth” - Science: Copernicus, Galileo - Medicine: Circulatory system and human anatomy - Inventions: Gutenberg Printing Press, Now, people can share what they learn and build on each other’s knowledge - Made books affordable for the average person Religion – more education to average person - Protestantism – division of Christianity that broke from the Catholic Church - Believed people did not need a priest to know God - Believed people should be able to study the Bible in their own language and at home
Exploration! On Land First. Remember the Mongols? -Europe used the Mongolian Empire to their advantage – overland trade routes! -India has spices Europe wants: pepper, cinnamon, ginger, and more - Become an important part in the European economy – spices were sold for a lot of money in European markets
What the world looked like in 1489 Source:
New Problems - A trip to India over land takes a long time – like, months. - Europe loses the Crusades (attempt to conquer Jerusalem) and travel through the Middle East becomes unsafe. New Solution -Find a sea route to India - This is the initial motivation for exploration. Europeans had no idea what they were about to discover.
Exploration! By Sea. Which European Country will be master of the world by 1700? - Spain - Portugal - England - Netherlands - Italy - France