North Carolina Community College System H. Martin Lancaster, President Fifty-eight Institutions Educating and Training a World-Class Workforce 1 IIPS Conference – Fall 2006 E-Procurement System Troubleshooting
Overview n Applying Troubleshooting Methods
No assumptions n Have I determined that I have a system problem?
Ask Questions n Who initiated the call? –User –EP Help Desk n Obtain details and verify information –No assumptions
More Questions n Which Process is affected? n Three kinds of processes –1. Requisition Processing –2. Order Processing –3. Invoice Processing
Divide and Conquer n Requisition is Inbound n Vendor Updates are Inbound n Orders are Outbound n Invoices are Outbound
Divide and Conquer n So, is it an Inbound or Outbound?
Internet E-Procurement Lifecycle (Optional) Approve eRequisition in NC E-P and sent to Colleague (Optional) Approve eRequisition in NC E-P and sent to Colleague Submit eRequisition in NC E-P Submit eRequisition in NC E-P Compose eRequisition in NC E-P Compose eRequisition in NC E-P NC E-P sends PO or BPO or Invoice to vendor supplier NC E-P sends PO or BPO or Invoice to vendor supplier Outbound Inbound Create Colleague Requisition (Optional) Approve Colleague Requisition (Optional) Approve Colleague Requisition Compose PO or BPO Transaction in Colleague Compose PO or BPO Transaction in Colleague Colleague Transaction sent to NC E-P Colleague Transaction sent to NC E-P N.C. Your ServiceNCCCS College Information System zon e
Inbound n Requisitions –Did user get an ? n What does it say? Get a copy and validate n No, are web approvals completed? –Is requisition available in REQM/XERI?
Inbound n - Get a requisition number n - Is requisition number seen in XERI?
Inbound - Entity Client n Search for the requisition number in icclient.log –UNIX: /usr/hubclient/logs (use grep) –WIN: c:\java\hubclient\logs (use search)
Inbound - Entity Client n If requisition is not in icclient.log check: –Entity Client service –Check icclient.log for errors –Restart Entity IC service n Are you absolutely sure it’s not there? n Call NCEP Help Desk
Inbound - Entity Client n If the requisition number was found in the icclient.log then check: –requisition/inbox –requisition/error
Inbound - Entity Client n Found in inbox –check/restart Gxml Listener –check/restart EPL Service n Stays in inbox, check log files –GxmlListener.log on Colleague –Can also check EPLService.log
Inbound - Gxml Listener n Did you change epladmin password? –Run GxmlPETool to change encrypted password
Inbound n How did you get this far? –Cheated … n go back and double check –Gave up … n Not just yet. Try again n After another try call CIS Help Desk
Outbound n Order or Invoice/Voucher? –What is the number? n No number to track – get one
Outbound – Colleague n Check EDXL for transaction –Found transaction in EDXL? n The transaction was successfully delivered to Entity Client outbox n Next, check Entity Client –Transaction not found in EDXL? n Continue checking in Colleague
Outbound – Colleague n Are DMI services running? –Use these UNIX commands to check: n ps –ef | grep java n ps –ef | grep PHAN (look for process EDQM_x) –Use DMIservices script to start the DMI listener and the EDQM Phantom
Outbound – Colleague n Is EPNC subscriber enabled (Active)? –CF -> EDSD -> EPNC n No? –Verify DMI services are running –Stop Phantom with EDQM –Enable subscriber in EDSD –Start Phantom with EDQM n Yes? –Check EDXE then Entity Client
Outbound – Colleague n Check EDXE for transaction errors –Detail into any errors –Contact Purchasing Agent –Resolve problem –Do not resend from EDXE –Resend from POEM or create a new requisition –Delete errors from EDXE after successful submission
Outbound - Entity Client n Are Entity Client services running? –check that EPL service is running n Check messages – –order/outbox –order/error –invoice/outbox –invoice/error
Outbound - Entity Client n New message is in errorbox –call CIS Help Desk n (this was probably caused by a data problem) n New message is in outbox –Restart Entity IC service n Check that the outbound message is removed by Entity IC service after the service starts
Outbound - Entity Client n Check icclient.log for a specific order –Number exists? n Check message in icclient.log for success –Did it show ‘SUCCESS’ in icclient.log? n Yes, means EP received the record –call NCEP Help Desk –Did it show ‘ERROR’ in icclient.log? n call NCEP Help Desk
Outbound - Colleague n If order is not in icclient.log and no messages are in outbox/error folders - –Check EDQS –Detail into EDQS transaction for errors –Is the PO number in EDQS detail?
EDQS Errors n Is subscriber disabled? –Review previous slide about enabling EPNC subscriber
Subscriber Disabled n Did it happen again … ? –Were processes started in the correct order? n EPL service is probably unable to contact Entity Client. Debug … –Turn on DMI logging –Start DMI in foreground –Resend a transaction from EDQS
Purge Menu n Keep file queues and logs clean n Use Purge selections from EDX Menu –CF -> EDX (Terminal Menu) –CF -> UT -> SA -> EDX (UI Menu) (Normally EDSP should not be used since these are the intermediate transactions in EDQS) A successful transaction moves from EDQM to EDQS to EDXL.
Summary n 1. Do not make assumptions n 2. Ask questions n 3. Divide and Conquer n 4. If all else fails call CIS Help Desk