Used plasmid DNA, [pDNA] = 0.2ug/uL Made two 1% Agarose Gel: 1 with EtBr & 1 without EtBr Prepared 6 samples of pDNA to be loaded in each gel with different amounts of pDNA : 0.01ug, 0.05ug, 0.1ug, 0.5ug, 1.0ug & 5.0ug In gel without EtBr, added 1uL of EZ-Vision to the 6 samples and the 1kb DNA ruler before loading Ran gels at 120V for hours Imaged them
Results EtBr Gel EZ-Vision Gel 1 kb DNA ruler 0.05ug0.01ug 5.0ug 1.0ug 0.5ug 0.1ug 1 kb DNA ruler 0.01ug 0.05ug 0.1ug 0.5ug 1.0ug 5.0ug
EZ-Vision fluorescent dye can be used as a safer alternative to visualize DNA bands in an agarose gel EtBr is more sensitive at detecting DNA at lower concentrations (<0.1ug) when compared to EZ-Vision EZ-Vision gel could be used on the UV transilluminator to cut bands – tested and found that you can detect the bands just as clearly as if they were stained with EtBr.
Prepare samples and DNA ruler to be loaded on gel in usual method. Add 1uL of EZ-Vision dye to each before loading. Mix sample to get homogenous solution. Load and run gel. Image gel. Remember to switch emission filter to SybrGreen before using imaging program. Capture photo, save and/or print. DONE!