Lab #3 Significant Figures Lab Procedure: 1.Prepare a data table to measure 4 strips of paper (labeled A,B,C,D) using a blue, red, and yellow ruler. 2.Obtain 4 green strips of paper labeled A,B,C,D. 3.Use the blue ruler to measure each strip. USE SIGNIFICANT FIGURES THE ENTIRE LAB!!! 4.Then, turn your blue ruler in for a red one, and repeat the measurements. 5.When you are done, turn the red one in for a yellow ruler and repeat measurements.
Questions 1.Which ruler, based on your results, was the most precise? 2.Which ruler was the least precise? 3.Respond to the statement “the more sensitive the balance, the closer we can get to the true value” Give explanations in complete sentences.
4. Explain why it is impossible for an answer in an operation to be more precise than the measurement with the least amount of significant figures. For example: cm cm = The answer cannot have more than 2 significant digits behind the decimal. Why?