The Rich Young Ruler
There was a rich (Lk. 18:23), young (Mt. 19:20, 22), ruler (Lk.18:18) who came to Jesus This man had wealth, youth, and power? What more could he want or need? What can we learn from this man?
Lessons Learned “One came to him” - Zeal is good (“ran”), respect is good (“kneeled”), coming to Jesus is good, concern for eternity is good (“eternal life”); but, simply asking the write question is not enough (Acts 2:47; 8:36; 16:30; 22:10) “All these things I have observed” - Good people can and will be lost (Acts 2:5, 38; 8:27-28, 36; 10:2, 48; 22:3, 16; Mt. 7:21-23)
Lessons Learned “From my youth” - It is important to be taught from youth to be good; but, we need to be taught to listen to Jesus also (Lk. 6:46) “One thing you lack” - We are lacking when we do not do all that Jesus wants us to be saved (2 Pet. 1:9)
Lessons Learned “Go … sell, give, come, follow” - Jesus requires more than some general service (Mt. 19:21) “But … he went away” - Some are not willing to give up what is necessary to be saved; some are not willing to change (1 Cor. 6:9- 11; 1 Thess. 1:9-10)
Lessons Learned “Jesus … loved him” – Jesus loves us and tells us what we need (Mk. 10:21) “Treasure in heaven” - We need to be more concerned about heaven than earth (Mt. 6:19; 1 Tim. 6:19) “He became exceeding sorrowful” – Great sorrow does not change a lost condition (2 Cor. 7:10)
Lessons Learned “He went away…” - The choice to do nothing is a choice for disobedience (Mt. 12:30; 2 Thess. 1:8) What are you trusting in that keeps you from obeying Jesus? What will you leave behind to follow Jesus? Will you be “first” or “last”?