Jesus One on One THE LIFE OF JESUS (18). NICODEMUS – JN. 3:1-12 Nicodemus was a Pharisee and ruler of the Jews (Jn. 3:1) Came to Jesus at night Believed.


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Presentation transcript:

Jesus One on One THE LIFE OF JESUS (18)

NICODEMUS – JN. 3:1-12 Nicodemus was a Pharisee and ruler of the Jews (Jn. 3:1) Came to Jesus at night Believed in His works

NICODEMUS – JN. 3:1-12 Found here and Jn. 7:50 & Jn. 19:39 How did Jesus respond to one who would not openly confess Him?

NICODEMUS – JN. 3:1-12 Jesus responded with patience and love Jn. 3:3-5 Notice no name calling or harsh speech. Jesus gave him time to respond! And he did! Are we kind in our speech and patient in our dealings with others? Colossians 4:6

SAMARITAN WOMAN – JN. 4:1-26 Jesus on His way to Galilee from Jerusalem. By way of Samaria at Sychar. While resting, the woman comes to draw water. Jesus asks for water.

SAMARITAN WOMAN – JN. 4:1-26 The woman wonders why! Jesus offers living water which leads to conversation about His purpose.

SAMARITAN WOMAN – JN. 4:1-26 Jesus initiated the conversation Jesus ignored social norms and prejudices He sought opportunity to turn conversation to spiritual matters.

ZACCHAEUS – LK. 19:1-10 Passing through Jericho, Jesus comes to Zacchaeus By name Jesus calls him goes to his house Jesus is criticized, but moves on.

ZACCHAEUS – LK. 19:1-10 Jesus sought him out More concerned about souls than social status Jesus knew His purpose and carried it out – Vs. 10

THE RICH RULER – MK. 10:17-22 A young ruler comes to Jesus desiring eternal life He is told to keep the commandments

THE RICH RULER – MK. 10:17-22 But Jesus, loving him knows he need more. He tells him what he needs The Ruler doesn’t accept Jesus uses the occasion to teach others

THE RICH RULER – MK. 10:17-22 Jesus knew his heart and that he would reject the truth… BUT he loved him anyway. He was not harsh in His tone Jesus told him what he NEEDED to hear! NO compromise, Prov. 23:23, Lk. 9:57-62

MARY & MARTHA – LK. 10:38-42 Jesus is visiting dear friends who desire to show hospitality to Him Mary is listening to His teaching while Martha frantically prepares the meal She asks Jesus to rebuke Mary for not helping. Jesus mildly rebukes Martha.

MARY & MARTHA – LK. 10:38-42 Here were true believers in Jesus. They wanted to honor Him. But how? Let us know what “the good part” is and do that! Sometimes we need to rebuke our brethren also. BUT in love ( 2 Thess. 3:15, Gal. 6:1-2 )

ADULTEROUS WOMAN – JN. 8:1-11 A woman is brought to Jesus caught in the act of adultery. We know it was a trap. Jesus turns the tables and reminds them of the rest of the Law

ADULTEROUS WOMAN – JN. 8:1-11 His accusers all leave one by one Left alone with the woman, Jesus proceeds to forgive her and tells her to go and sin no more.

ADULTEROUS WOMAN – JN. 8:1-11 Again we find Jesus patient and compassionate. Even with His enemies, He controls His emotions

ADULTEROUS WOMAN – JN. 8:1-11 Jesus did not fall for their trap ( Matt. 10:16 ) He wrote on the ground – a pause He WANTED to forgive and so should we!

ABOUT “ONE ON ONE” Sometimes individual attention is the best option. It is proven the most effective He was NO respecter of persons

ABOUT “ONE ON ONE” Sometimes discretion was needed – He weighed His words. He didn’t brag about these conversations. His first priority was the soul!

May we imitate Him when we are teaching our friends and families one on one!