Math can be everywhere!
Click on the group of six…
You’re right! There were six fish. Well, if I were to add three more fish, how many would I have?
Look carefully. You need to find six.
Are you sure? Count carefully…
Great! Which one of these sentences has nine words? You must count carefully to get nine words. How many words does this sentence have? We are looking for a sentence with nine words.
You’re right! That was nine!
Oops, there were seven words in that sentence.
That sentence has eight words.
Which of these words spells the word 1? two one three
Do you remember?
Yes, you found the number one! Look at these pictures. If I had five candies and I gave you two, how many do I have left? - = _ 543
Be careful! I had five (5) and I gave you two (2).. I don’t have that many left…
You are great! You knew that you needed to subtract!
Look at this calendar. Which is the number __? SunMonTueWedThuFriSat
You found the number 24! How many sentences are below? You are in the computer lab today. What game will you play? I hope you make a good choice!
Look at those numbers again!
You’re right! You knew there were three sentences in that box!
That is the number 7. There are 7 words in the first sentence. How many sentences are there?
That is the number 19. There are 19 words in all of those sentences. Remember, you are looking for the number of sentences.
Which one of these is an AB pattern?
Yes! You found an AB pattern! Which one is an ABC pattern?
ABCABC! You did it!
Look carefully…
Which one of these things is a ruler?
Yes! You found the ruler! Listen to my story. You are a master carpenter and are good at measuring things. You measured a bookshelf at your friend’s house. Your friend’s mom gave you 5 pennies. How much money did she give you? 685
You are looking for a ruler. Please remember that a ruler is a straight edge with inches on it.
You’re right! 5 pennies = 5 cents! three four five Which one of these words below spells the word 5? Try to sound the word out…
Be careful…look at these pennies to help you.
That is the word three (3).
That is the word four (4). It starts with the same letter as the word 5.
You found the word five! Congratulations!