LATITUDE AND CLIMATE LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION OBJECTIVE: Identify and locate the four special lines of latitude and explain how climate is affected by location.
BELL RINGER Luis goes to the hardware store to make a purchase. He asked the clerk, “How much will six cost?” The clerk thought for a moment and said, “Three dollars.” Luis then asked, “How much will thirty six cost?” “Six dollars,” replied the clerk. Luis scratched his head and said, “If I bought three hundred sixty, how much would that cost?” “That will cost you nine dollars,” said the clerk. What was Luis buying?
YESTERDAY’S ANSWER Sid would be 160 cm tall (that’s about 5’3”) If Sid’s height is 80 cm plus half of his height, then 80 cm must be the other half of his height = 160
CLASSROOM RULES Comply with all federal, state and district policies Do not do anything that creates unsafe or unhealthy conditions in my classroom Do not do anything that interferes with your learning Do not do anything that interferes with anyone else’s learning Do not let anyone else interfere with your learning
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES Bring and use the proper materials at the proper time No gum or food Do not talk except when the activity permits or when you have a question (raise your hand first). Stay in your seat unless you have permission Do not do work from other classes unless you have permission Listen carefully to instructions, execute them to the best of your ability, and ask if you do not understand them Participate in the lesson by doing the correct activity at the correct time: listen, ask questions, discuss, read, write, research.
VOCABULARY Terms we will be using today Arctic Circle Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn Antarctic Circle Precipitation Growing Season
THE MAGIC NUMBER The four special lines of latitude all involve one number: 23.5° The Arctic Circle is 23.5° from the North Pole The Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn are each 23.5° from the Equator The Antarctic Circle is 23.5° from the South Pole
WHY 23.5°?
AXIAL TILT IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASONS Because the Earth’s axis is tilted 23.5°, the angle of the sun’s rays is different at different points on the surface, depending upon where Earth is in its orbit When the sun shines more directly on the surface, more heat is applied to the surface When the sun shines less directly (the proper term is “obliquely”), less heat is applied to the surface In the Northern Hemisphere, the sun shines more directly during April- September and more obliquely during October-March It’s opposite in the Southern Hemisphere
YOU DO On your world map Fill in your name, period and the date Use a ruler, a folded piece of paper or something else with a straight edge to draw the Equator and the two Tropic lines on the next slide Help your partner if they need it
LOCATIONS OF THE TROPICS Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn
AXIAL TILT IS ALSO A REASON FOR CLIMATE Between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, the sun always shines most directly There will be two days during the year when the sun passes directly overhead (on the Tropics, it happens once per year and that day is called a “solstice”) “The Tropics” are sometimes called the “low Latitudes” Temperatures are generally high with no clear differences between seasons (depending on elevation) Usually lots of rain and very long growing season Day/Night are fairly equal, year round and twilight is short
YOU DO On your world map: Use a ruler, a folded sheet of paper or something with a straight edge to draw the two Circles on the next slide Help your partner if they need it
LOCATION OF THE CIRCLES Arctic Circle Antarctic Circle
AXIAL TILT IS ALSO A REASON FOR CLIMATE Between the Poles and the Circles, the sun always shines most obliquely There will be one or more days during the year when the sun never rises and one or more days when it never sets The area is called “Polar” or the “high Latitudes” Temperatures are generally cold with very long winters and very short growing seasons Day/Night times are most unequal Long periods of twilight
LOCATION OF THE TEMPERATE ZONES Northern Temperate Zone Southern Temperate Zone
AXIAL TILT IS ALSO A REASON FOR CLIMATE Between the Tropics and the Circles are the temperate zones or mid-latitudes Fairly distinct seasonal temperature differences Moderate precipitation (either as rain or as snow/ice) Seasonal differences in the number of hours of day/night Long or moderate growing seasons Moderate to long periods of twilight (longer twilight as you move north)
POPULATION PREDICTIONS If Latitude affects temperatures (it does) AND If Latitude affects precipitation (it does) THEN Where would be expect to find people living? Many people living in areas where there are moderate temperatures and enough rainfall to support agriculture Many people living in areas where there are high temperatures and enough rainfall to support agriculture Few people in areas with moderate temperatures and little precipitation Few people in areas with low temperatures and lots of precipitation
CONCLUSIONS Latitude has a very strong effect on temperatures, but it is not the only factor Temperatures are a major factor in the length of the growing season (edible plants do not handle freezing well) Latitude has a very strong effect on precipitation, but it is not the only factor Temperature and rainfall determine what kinds of plants can be grown (snow doesn’t help until it melts) The eastern half of North America has both moderate temperatures and good precipitation, so we expect to find many people and there are
HOMEWORK Given a blank world map: Draw and label: Prime Meridian Equator Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn Arctic Circle Use a ruler or straight-edge to make the lines (no freehand) Label: Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean North America South America Europe Asia Africa
TOMORROW We will use Latitude and Longitude as a coordinate system to locate places on the Earth’s surface.