From the boys and girls in Room 16 Our Art Work
After reading the story “Owl Babies” by Martin Waddell, the children made their own owl babies by colouring their owls in, using bright colours. They then cut each one out and decorated them with feathers. Don’t they look marvellous
As part of our SPHE lessons, we discussed how we have similarities and differences in appearance. The children drew self portraits which will be displayed all year round in the classroom. Pop in to see them all!
As part of Science week, the theme this year was “My place in Space”. In class we chatted about the solar system and especially planet Earth. We made space pictures using the splatter paining technique. This is where we put paint on a toothbrush and using a ruler splattered it onto a page. The boys and girls had great fun doing this. We used chalk to draw the planets. Aren’t they out of this world!
We have been learning all about China in S.E.S.E. We looked up The Great Wall of China on the interactive whiteboard and found out lots of interesting facts about China. We made Chinese lanterns which we decorated with sequins and we then made scary Chinese dragons!
We have been learning all about the Antarctica and made these cool penguins using crepe paper.
We made daffodils by painted egg cups yellow and cutting out petals. We also made Farm animals and made this wonderful Spring display. Check it out in the hall!